Alt key modifier keeps toolbar active after use when zooming in using scroll wheel
Not sure when this started happening, I only know that it's started irritating the heck out of me quite recently. I'm on Win 10 using InDesign 14.0.2
Whenever I alt+scroll using the mouse wheel to zoom in/out, InDesign switches focus to the toolbar so that the next keyboard press will enact the menu.
It becomes an issue when for example zooming into an active text box, if you need to type F, E, L, T, O, A, V, W, or H, after using alt+scroll you end up bringing up the View menu as soon as you hit the V key.
Another sequence could be, select rectangle tool, draw shape, zoom into check alignment (alt+scroll), tap V to switch back to selection tool to adjust size. DOH! there's that view menu again!
Super frustrating guys!

As per our understanding the issue is as follows:
Launch InDesign.
1. Press alt+scroll using the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
2. InDesign switches focus to the menu-bar so that the next keyboard press will enact the menu shortcut.
3. Type F, E, L, or T after using alt+scroll
Menu entry is opened from the control strip (example View menu as soon as you hit the V key).
Key press should select the suitable tool denoted by that key
This has been the behavior since quite long and does not look like a break in behavior.
Please can you confirm?
Alex Rummel commented
Just started running into this issue and it's driving me crazy! I found out because I zoomed out and tried to select the eydropper using I, and nothing was happening.
Keith Conover, M.D., FACEP commented
Solved by (1) installing AutoHotKey, (2) having an autohotkey script that runs with Windows startup, and (3) having these lines in the script (this avoids side effects of another autohotkey script posted in Reddit):
#IfWinActive ahk_class indesign
; fix problem with sticky Alt key in InDesign
~LAlt Up::Send % A_PriorKey = "LAlt" ? "{Esc}" : "" -
Robert commented
This is a huge obstacle while working in Windows and I would love to see a way to disable the alt key while working in Adobe software. As someone else mentioned, the alt key should not be a toggle on/off key. Right now it's very disruptive when working in CC for 8+ hours a day.
Bastian S. commented
Seems to be a "Windows"-Thing - working fine on mac.
alt+scroll does not seem to toggle the menue there. -
Rob Hutchings commented
Hi @amaarora
You summarise correctly although I believe this has not been a long time problem and is something either recent, or windows 10 specific as I have recently (in the last month) switched from windows 7.
I always use the Alt+Scroll combination and have only recently started experiencing issues. It is a combination that I use constantly across InDesign as well as Illustrator and Photoshop.
In all 3 programs when you tap on the Alt key on it's own, the focus switches to the menu bar (as it should) this is indicated by the first menu (File) becoming active. This is visually represented by a depressed button and acts like a toggle button when you tap Alt on its own.
However the combination of Alt+Scroll shouldn't act like a toggle, while holding Alt, the menu items become underlined but as soon as you scroll and release the Alt key, the menu bar should no longer have/be the focus.
I have since captured a video but do not see where I can upload to this forum entry, without creating a new one. Is there an email address I can send it to?