De-Stick Alt Key After Zoom
When I press and hold the ALT key (Windows) to zoom with the mouse wheel, it doesn't release the way a sticky key should - once finished with mouse wheel zooming, I have to tap the Alt key a -second- time to release it. Not doing this results in the menu bar becoming active. Example: Press and hold Alt and zoom with the wheel. Finish zooming and release the sticky alt key. Now Tap the letter W to enter Preview mode ... but instead of Preview Mode, InDesign will drop down the --W--indow Menu, tapping W again then drops down the --W--orkspace menu etc. This is a workflow killer.
Adobe has other sticky keys that muscle memories remember (space bar, etc..) so to expect a) the user to remember that this tool behaves -different- and b) the user now has to add -additional- key strokes makes for a bad user interface experience.
Thanks in advance for fixing this
Josh Colenso commented
How has this not been addressed yet? It is hugely disruptive to workflow and the issue persists even in the latest version.
Will this ever be fixed?