Performance: Import documents / style apply
my MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) is super slow when importing word documents, search and replace styles or adapting styles. Does it improve when changing to the Mojave system? Or is there a conflict with FontExplorer X Pro. Any suggestions are welcome. I'm suffering…

In order to investigate the issue at our end we would require some more information from your side. Can you please answer the following questions to help us out:
1) Please let us know the version of InDesign on which you are facing this issue.
2) It would really help us a lot, if you can share the documents( and other resources) with which you are facing the issue.
3) Can you please share a small video demonstrating all the issues that you are experiencing.
Please mail this information to
Dries Caers commented
InDesign 2020 is particularly slower when you have multiple documents opened at the same time.
Anonymous commented
It was working perfectly in October 2019 but every action hangs for at least one minute making it virtually unusable. Not sure if the new Windows 10 upgrade (February 2020) has anything to do with it.
John Nolan commented
Same issue with me.
Paul Drummond commented
I'm having the same problem. InDesign 2020 is very slow compared with the previous version, almost unusable. I'm using a Mac Pro running Mac OS 10.15.1 with 128GB RAM, SSD drive and a Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card, so the hardware is up to it.
Tennant commented
Since upgarding to InDesign 2020 performance has slowed considerably. Selecting a frame takes ages, clicking the cursor in a different part of a text frame takes ages for the cursor to appear etc. Almost every action has a 2 or 3 second delay; whereas it would fly along on v14.
I have 20-core Xeon PC with 64 GB RAM and Nvidia Quadro K5000 graphics; so no slouch!