[ID-4257796]Provide an ability to disable IAMs and other In app notification
These are annoying/distracting, and I cannot turn them off!

Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Heidi commented
ISSUE: More than once, when I open InDesign, or access it for the first time that day, it'll come up with a popup spread across my workspace, inviting my feedback about something or alerting me to something. AND it will NOT go away.
Previous time it was alerting me to the coming end of support for Type 1 fonts. Today (03/03/22) it's asking me to share feedback on Copy Editor (Beta) (screenshot attached).
At this moment I need to work on my document, and I am not using Copy Editor, nor have I. But the popup can't be Escaped out of, or dragged away from the CENTER of my screen.
PLEASE find a better way to alert us or request input. This is interruptive and counter-productive, and causes me NOT to want to offer any kind of feedback except this cranky note.
ADDITIONALLY, why is there a SEPARATE login to leave feedback for InDesign, from everything else Adobe? Why do I need a new "account" for InDesign, when I already have an Adobe account?
Thanks for considering these issues, and I'd appreciate your quick action, esp. for the popups that WON'T pop DOWN!
--Heidi -
H F commented
Allow getting rid of the blue Type 1 message!
Peter Crownfield commented
It interferes with work.
Dan commented
Holy **** these things are annoying, considering i've been using Adobe products for 20 years i dont need basic ******* things shoved in my face after a fresh install.... AND NO WAY TO TURN THE ******* THINGS OFF.
Who's ******* idea was that! Add a way to turn them off, just the obnoxious blue tips, not the old tooltips. *******.
Lee commented
Yes, please, Adobe. I've been using InDesign professionally since ... well... since it was PageMaker, and I would love it (or hate it ever-so-slightly less) if you would let me take off the training wheels.
Micah Abresch commented
These giant pop-up tooltips make your product painful to use, and they can't be gotten rid of. Put a close button on them, add a setting to remove them, ANYTHING TO END THIS NONSENSE.
Siansonea commented
I hate it that every time I update InDesign, I have to see all these hover boxes that want to walk me through what's new in this version. This always happens when I'm in a hurry and I just want to do something without having to wait for the Clippy-like helper box to dismiss itself. If I want to know what's new in the current version, I know I can find that information. These 'helper' tips are annoying beyond belief.
drew commented
Adobe, don't you guys remember Clippy? These are clippy. and I know they're only supposed to appear once per session but MANY of us are on shared enterprise systems and have to go through clicking through these 2-3 times per day per application. These are annoying enough for me to consider dumping adobe entirely and switching to Affinity & quark
Anonymous commented
As a printer, most of the new features being implemented don't benefit me. I can see how they might be of interest to designers but as a printer, I open the file, ensure it is press ready, and make a PDF. Please add a preference to disable new feature pop-up's.
Dan commented
The New Features popup dialog boxes are ******* annoying as **** and cannot be turned off. They can in photoshop with the "enable rich ********" but cannot in InDesign. Can you fix this ******* pain **********? No one wants this ****.
Dan commented
The New Features popup dialog boxes are ******* annoying as **** and cannot be turned off. They can in photoshop with the "enable rich ********" but cannot in InDesign. Can you fix this ******* pain **********? No one wants this ****.
Philippe Maintigneux commented
Most of them, as a long-time user of InDesign, Are not useful for me.
Specially when they come in front of needed buttons and cannot be closed (bug ?). -
Beau Barnett commented
I suspect this "feature" wasn't tested. I can't believe I'm the only one distracted from work with OMG every time I open the app. Please make it stop.
Anonymous commented
What’s much more useful is a tour of new features in each release. This could be standalone / outside the app. Thanks!