Endnote Font Size Problems
Version: InDesign 14
Steps: When placing an endnote in a frame "Loaded by Place Curser", the font size used for the end note does not honor the font size determined by the style. This includes when the paragraph style is set in the endnote options, as well as when the paragraph style is applied by selecting the endnote text.
- Create endnote style, and set it in endnote options
- Set endnote text frame to "loaded by place curser" in endnote options
- Add an endnote to the text, and place endnote text frame
- The Endnote text added to this frame does not honor text size
- Select endnote text and manually apply correct font size
- Add another endnote (font size changes again--27 pt font for some reason)
This font size behavior carries over no matter what paragraph style is selected, including "Basic Paragraph". The only way to get the correct font size is to manually set it in the Character Panel with the endnote text selected. Adding a new endnote overrides the manual font size once again.
It seems that endnotes will honor the font, color and leading of a paragraph style, but will change the size of the font every time to (in my case) 27pt.

Thanks for reporting the issue.
How are you adding the Endnote text to the frame? Are you copying text and pasting it? If so, have you tried using ‘Paste without formatting’?
Please provide the information that is sought by Payal.
Ravi Kiran
Adobe InDesign team
Payal Awasthi commented
Hi Rachael,
I tried the mentioned steps and it's working fine for me.
For further investigation, kindly provide some bits of information :
1) Please provide some more steps or just add a small video (on WeTransfer/Youtube/Dropbox) and share the link.
2) Is the issue specific to the document? Or does it occur with all documents?
If specific to some document then share the document.
3)Please mention your machine configuration like OS, Locale.You can also send files/links directly to paawasth@adobe.com
Thanks & Regards
Payal Awasthi (InDesign Team)