interface small
Icons and font in indesign cc 2018 is too small
What about solving this issue

Scalable UI feature is now available in InDesign 2022.
With this feature, you can scale the UI of InDesign and InCopy on both Mac and Windows.
Adobe InDesign team
Alexandra Goodenough commented
Please fix this!!! It's so frustrating!! Photoshop is fine but inDesign I can barely see the toolbars.
Anonymous commented
I hope Adobe can fix this issue soon for Windows users. The text size in the user interface and panels is almost too small to see. The UI Scaling feature doesnt work very well. When using the UI Scaling feature at the 150% setting, the workspace area is almost crowded out completely by the side panels. I wish there was a way to just set font size in the panels.
Anonymous commented
I have tried to adjust the UI in the preferences but to no avail (see attached). I am on a Windows 10 laptop recently purchased and subscribe to the CC suite. I hope there is a quick fix as soon as possible - very difficult to work.
Thanks, d -
Lori commented
Please increase font size in the user interface.
Jake deHahn commented
I have the same issue with mine, and the phone customer service was unable to help. They said there are "no reported issues" and yet it is not just me.
I have even taken the time to change my computer screen resolution to a smaller scale to compensate, and it STILL does not reformat.
Adobe, please fix this issue MANY people are having.