Distorted Text and Graphics in high sierra
When opening a previously created file, I noticed small visual artifacts in the rendering of vector graphics in the file. As I zoomed in to inspect it, the artifacts began jumping all over the place, and as I zoomed in further, text on the page began presenting the same behavior.
Using InDesign 2017.1, Build on a 2016 Macbook Pro (2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, 16 GB RAM), running macOS High Sierra 10.13.
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This is a macOS10.13 issue, specific for some Intel GPU cards. Apple has fixed(partially) this issue inside macOS10.13.4 released build.
Following are the workaround for resolving this issue.
1) Update your mac machine to latest macOS10.13.4. Here, Apple has fixed this issue to some extent. You will face very less number of rendering issues.
2) Disable GPU preview and set display performance as typical.
Once you have updated to macOS10.13.4 .You might still face some rendering issues. Since, Apple has not fixed this issue completely.
Please switch off GPU rendering for these cases and report a separate post for tracking.
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issue with my new iMac 2018 (high Sierra), 27-inch, Radeon Pro 570 4096 MB graphics -running 10.13.4
In all three Adobe CS6 programs, Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign - I'm having display issues with pixilated type, menus etc. Like others in this forum, the sole reason for buying this mac is for design, which is a daily frustration now.
1) Others mentioned "switch off GPU rendering" - I cannot locate this - is this only an option in CC"?
2) Is there a FIX for these Adobe pixelation issues that can be addressed for CS6 on my new iMac?
Please HELP / please advise.. -
manjarco commented
This is not fixed. GPU Performance is still bad.
Alexander commented
Hi all, to share my experience for all of you who are struggling with this: I bought a MacBook Pro 13" 2017 in March 2018. I'm a frequent user of InDesign and obviously came across the same annoying and unworkable situation of distorted text and images, especially when zooming in or out. At that point this 'bug' was already months old and unfixed. I came across a list of GPU chips that have this problem and the GPU chip on my MacBook Pro 13" was on the list. So... I checked with one of you who changed to a 15" whether the problem remained as the 15" has a dedicated GPU. His answer was no and so I switched. Afterwards unfortunately I also returned the 15" for different reasons (it had issues unrelated to this problem). So...I am also still waiting for this to be fixed because I prefer to have a 13".
The question is for which GPU-chips this is now resolved. Anyone?? And can it even be resolved properly you think? To me it looked like a hardware-related problem...
Anonymous commented
Switch off GPU rendering? Are you kidding me?
Anonymous commented
I've just bought a macbook pro 13" 2017 running 10.13.4
In all three programs, Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign CS6, I'm having display issues with pixilated type, menus etc. The sole reason for buying this mac is design, which i can't do if a fix isn't found.
I cannot find where to switch off GPU rendering, is this only an option in CC?
Anonymous commented
After updating to the public release of 10.13.4 the graphics glitches seem to be significantly improved! I can now turn on GPU performance and use the program smoothly again. I recommend everyone having issues to update their machine and re-enable GPU performance.
Anonymous commented
So we buy a top-of the line Mac with dedicated graphics board, because we are, like graphics professionals. And your 'solution' is to switch off the graphics board.
This is not a solution. Why pay top-of-the line rates when Adobe/Apple tell us that the high-end graphics card creates problems.
Better to buy a low-end Mac and actually have the power of the graphics card available.
Anonymous commented
Thank you Sumit Garg, the workaround helps, any reference link from Apple that they when are they going to fix it? Or case ticket reported to Apple?
Anonymous commented
Buried in the comments I found this and it worked for me! It's a workaround.
Anonymous commented
Add my name to the list. I have a sparkling new Macbook Pro 10.13.3. Other commenters used the word "annoying". Not sure that's sufficient. I'd say this bug makes InDesign inoperable.
Craig DeStefano commented
Thanks so much for this post. This problem is driving me nuts!
Anonymous commented
Go on View and change GPU preview to CPU preview. Should hopefully fix it
Reto commented
Got the same problem with my MBP. So annoying. Especially the glichtes in Fonts makes working sometimes impossible. I'm also experiencing similar glitches in Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
checked if this bugs been fixed for 4 months now
Anonymous commented
I have had this same issue! so annoying. Bought this $3000 macbook pro upgrade for my design work and get these sorts of glitches....
Joris Thys commented
When will this be fixed? Very enoying!!
[Deleted User] commented
This is honestly a joke now. @Sumit Garg when are you planning on updating us?
kineta agyemang commented
hey I also have the same issues with
Mackbook pro with touchbar
macOs High Sierra (10.13.3)
intel iris plus graphics 650 1536mbIt is very annoying and I can view my designs properly
Anonymous commented
I am experiencing the same problem!
Paul Carlson commented
Seriously, when will this be fixed?