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Distorted Text and Graphics in high sierra
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219 votesThis is a macOS10.13 issue, specific for some Intel GPU cards. Apple has fixed(partially) this issue inside macOS10.13.4 released build.
Following are the workaround for resolving this issue.
1) Update your mac machine to latest macOS10.13.4. Here, Apple has fixed this issue to some extent. You will face very less number of rendering issues.
2) Disable GPU preview and set display performance as typical.Once you have updated to macOS10.13.4 .You might still face some rendering issues. Since, Apple has not fixed this issue completely.
Please switch off GPU rendering for these cases and report a separate post for tracking.An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I returned my brand new, top-of-the-range Macbook Pro 13-inch when I discovered it has this issue. I'll need another machine soon as my top-of-the-range late 2013 15-inch MBP is getting a bit slow now. Do I get an under-specced Mac with a graphics card that actually works, or a Windows machine where this problem does not arise?
Your decision to leave this issue unresolved is seriously damaging the reputation of both Adobe and Apple among one of your core user groups.
It's your decision, Adobe and Apple, but we – the graphics and design professionals – are watching and listening. Your lack of engagement is forcing us to look for other solutions, even through many of us have been with Apple and Adobe for a decade or more.
Drive us away by your indifference and unwillingness to engage, and there is a big risk we won't come back.
So we buy a top-of the line Mac with dedicated graphics board, because we are, like graphics professionals. And your 'solution' is to switch off the graphics board.
This is not a solution. Why pay top-of-the line rates when Adobe/Apple tell us that the high-end graphics card creates problems.
Better to buy a low-end Mac and actually have the power of the graphics card available.