grey box under workspace tab
I have a grey dialog box that appears under the workspace selection tab, and Im not sure how to make it go away. There is now dialogue in the box ever. Thanks everyone!
Adminamaarora (Admin, Adobe InDesign) commented
I have merged the two threads. @Josh: please try the workaround mentioned below and see if it fixes your problem-Aman
Josh commented
1) Indesign build
2) After the initial pop up in the top right with tips the pop up shows no content and gets permanently stuck in top right corner blocking other ui.
3) Pop up should disappear and not be emptyClicking it or the search bar doesn't remove pop up.
Anonymous commented
I also have this problem – cannot close it using "hidden close button"...
Noa Abarbanel commented
Hi, I also have this problem and can not find to hidden close button.
Yes it disappears when I relaunch. can adobe fix it?