Corrupt/pixelated cursor Issue in InDesign on MacOS High Sierra
In InDesign is a Problem with the Cursor on iOS Hight Sierra Beta Version 10.13 (17A315i). I Attached a short Video file. It is better as the describe when you what I means. Thank you.

Thank you everyone for your continued patience! Apple just released the macOS High Sierra 10.13 Supplemental Update. This will fix the cursor issue with InDesign on macOS High Sierra. Please go to the App Store to update.
Steve Davis commented
This is really unacceptable Adobe!
Baobla commented
I have the same issue
M. commented
I need that fix pls!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Having this issue as well. Making it incredibly frustrating to work and scaling/resizing objects becomes impossible. Please fix ASAP!!!
Seth commented
why has it been a week and still nothing has been done?
robin thompson commented
I (accidently) fixed the cursor-as-pixilated box issue by setting keyboard shortcuts to Quark XPress 4.0.
Anonymous commented
Okay, I just learned that I'm not the only one experiencing that terrible cursor bug in InDesign. :o(
Please fix it as soon as possible!
Anonymous commented
Same issue.
macOS High Sierra 10.13
2015 MBP 2.8GHz Core i7
16GB 1600 MHz DDR3I have had to save and restart InDesign 6 times today and I need to be ready for Monday with a report for a meeting. Super frustrating. Thankfully we just bought my son a gaming PC and a subscription to CC for windows. This is not a problem for InDesign on WIN 10.
Hopefully the fix comes soon.
Timur commented
HELP! It is impossible to work. Terms of delivery of the project have already passed! Can not use software.
Timur commented
HELP! It is impossible to work. Terms of delivery of the project have already passed! Can not use software.
Anonymous commented
This error has been around for quite a while now, I've been running macOS High Sierra on beta for a while and this error was there in InDesign. I can't believe it hasn't been resolved as of yet. There should have been more awareness of this issue before updating the operating system as it's very difficult to use InDesign with this corrupt cursor. Adobe please sort it out
Anonymous commented
This error has been around for quite a while now, I've been running macOS High Sierra on beta for a while and this error was there in InDesign. I can't believe it hasn't been resolved as of yet. There should have been more awareness of this issue before updating the operating system as it's very difficult to use InDesign with this corrupt cursor. Adobe please sort it out
MOlly Greene commented
Please fix this problem. I can't use Indesign after the instal of the new Serra OS. My cursor is corrupted and not functioning. HELP!
Eike commented
It is unacceptable that this error has not yet been corrected!
Anonymous commented
My job in InDesign is taking 3 times as long because of this error, and I don't have this extra time!! Please fix ASAP - not happy paying monthly for this error!
Yoshi Abe commented
I have the same cursor issue, and it's impossible to select objects, making my design work a nightmare! I tried to downgrade macOS back to Sierra, but Apple no longer provides installer for Sierra on Mac App Store. I'm stuck. Please fix it ASAP!
Dear Adobe. We are paying a lot of money every year to use your "professional" software to earn money. Please stop adding new software and focus on core products first!
Anonymous commented
so annoying. really?
Jan Metzer commented
I use daily in my profession Indesign CC 2017 with the new High Sierra. Because the bug with the pointer I get sweaty of the square that appears instead of the arrow. Does anyone know if it's up to Adobe or Apple to come up with a solution? And how long time can it take?
Z commented
Cursor appears as pixelated box with Mac High Sierra 10.13. The cursor appears as a pixelated box.
Anonymous commented
Come on fix it!! This is so annoying!
Ready to move away from Adobe to other software! Oh yes!!
Can't belive this STILL isn't fixed. Yes, I'm so irritated at this point! Respect your cutomers and fix it now!