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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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17 results found

  1. [ID-4257175]Pages Panel: Buttons are hidden behind page number text when window is thin

    When the pages panel is as thin as possible, the buttons such as delete page are behind the text that says the number of pages. It is therefore not possible to click on the buttons. I always use this panel in a thin band, and it is now less practical.

    Version: InDesign 20.0.0

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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.

    Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.


    Adobe InDesign team

  2. Export and Save As dialogs not showing up in MacOS Monterey

    1. 16.4
    2. Installed MacOS Monterey then InDesign Export or Save As dialogs stopped working.
    3. Export or Save As dialogs should be showing up
    4. Export or Save As dialogs not showing up with either keyboard shortcuts or when using the dropdown menu.
    5. The issue was validated by your support staff Lakshay (Adobe) through remote access 26.10.2021
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  3. "Selection" and "Direct Selection" tool icons mixed up in toolbar

    The button images for "selection" and "direct selection" tools are mixed-up. The buttons are still in their correct place, but the "selection tool" button now displays the white arrow in the toolbar, the "direct selection" button the black arrow.

    The mouse arrows themselves remain correct, as do their functions.

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    We're happy to announce that we've reverted the icons of Selection Tool and Direct Selection Tool in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available from Creative Cloud Desktop application.

    Please update to this latest version to see the change of these tool icons.


    Adobe InDesign team

  4. InDesign 17.0.1 Background Tasks Icon in Dark Mode

    In the new InDesign 17.0.1, the background task swirl is black instead of white in dark mode. (please see attached). Thx!

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  5. 15.1.2 No cursor visible in Input fields in Light/Medium Light themes

    Since installing 15.1.2 on iMac 10.15.6 (and after restart) , I can't see my cursor (blinking) in the Find/change input field. I can type in some text though, but still no cursor visible

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  6. Media panel gone HUGE

    So, after running in a while on the new Adobe 2020 app, I noticed that the Media panel started to grow in size each time I opened the tab. Before I could notice, the Media panel was absolutely huge.

    I tried to:

    • Reset the workplace

    • Reset the UI scalling

    • Uninstall and Install again InDesign 2020 (While removing UI Preferences)

    • Restart PC

    Nothing has worked.

    The only solution that seems to work as of right now is to downgrade to 2019.

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  7. Background Tasks Panel - Missing Progress Bars

    Since InDesign 15.1, the progress bars are missing from the Background Tasks panel. Luckily, the percentages are still there but the bars are needed for quick progress reference.

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    The issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021. The fix was also available in the previous version of InDesign – InDesign 2020 (v 15.1.2).
    Please update to these newer versions of InDesign to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  8. Wrong translation of “Publish online” UI in Czech language

    Please correct wrong translation of "Single" and "Spread". In the latest version of InDesign the translation means "One FIle" and "Extension", crazy, isn't it? Please follow the long established terminology developed in old days when you did ask humans to translate UI items and you did consult it with local experts: the names are correct in InDesign PDF export dialog, so why don't you reuse the correct terminology?
    The correct form is "Stránky" and "Dvojstránky".

    !!! PLEASE stop using robots or Google Translate for new features in InDesign !!!

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  9. Please change one word in the German Indesign

    The German Word "Abstände" is used two times in the paragraph style panel but with two completely different meanings.

    First use "Einzüge und Abstände" is in English "Indents and Spacing".

    Second use "Abstände" is in English "Justification".

    Please change the second one to "Blocksatz" or "Blocksatzeinstellungen" so that the German users will not be confused anymore.

    Or contact a German speaking InDesign pro user for a better translation.

    Just a small change to make a lot of (German speaking) people happy!

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    FIXED  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Hello All,
    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
    We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.

    You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0

    -InDesign Team

  10. Text frame rules dialog

    To Adobe:

    do you find the color drop-down in the insert column rules dialog wide enough?

    The whole contour group box is not perfectly arranged...

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  11. InDesign CC2019 - blank control panel

    Just installed InDesign CC2019. Bizarrely the control panel containing the adjustment controls with character and paragraph setting is there but empty. I tried turning off and on, and resetting the workspace but to no avail. Resetting preferences on start up has worked but feel this could happen again.

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    FIXED  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Hello All,

    Thank you for your patience all this while.
    This issue is now fixed in the latest update (Id 14.0.1) of InDesign CC.
    If you are unable to see the update notification yet, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.

    Once the update button is shown against InDesign CC, click on the button to update your InDesign to Id 14.0.1 for the fix of the issue.
    Do let us know in the comments, if you face any problem with the new update.

    List of fixed issues can be found at:

    InDesign Team

  12. No keyboard focus on launch

    InDesign, macOS Mojave 10.14.2

    When launched and the following conditions hold, InDesign does not seem to have keyboard focus (i.e.., no keyboard shortcuts work):

    1. Show ‘Start’ Workspace When No Documents Are Open is unticked.
    2. The Control bar is open in the default workspace.
    3. The CC Libraries panel is either not in the default workspace or collapsed.

    Note that conditions 2 and 3 are met by several of the standard workspace, for example both Advanced and Typography (but not Book, Essentials or Essentials Classic).

    If you choose a menu item or click in an input field, the app gains keyboard…

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  13. selection of diacritic characters such as trop in Hebrew is a disaster

    I don’t know what you guys were thinking in 2020, but the selection of Hebrew diacritics, vowels and trop is extremely difficult. You have done it sensibly since InDesign 1.5 ME about 20 years ago! Why did you change it in 2020?

    This needs to be fixed fast!

    Here is a video explaining the problem:

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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  14. Page Panel Numbering in right-to-left spreads

    In a document with facing pages, when the document is changed to right-to-left, the numbers in page panel are displayed with a weird encoding or extra characters.

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  15. Wrong translation of “rule” in Czech version of InDesign 2020

    Please stop using Google Translate to translate Adobe UI to Czech language.

    The new feature Column Rules is translated into Czech language as Regulations for Columns! (Pravidla pro sloupce) This is totally wrong! It should read “Linky mezi sloupci” (lines in between columns). Also the word “linie” is wrong, it is not used by designers. You should use “linka” as it is already in use in other UI dialogs in InDesign.

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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  16. Wrong font preview for RTL languages

    There is a problem with the new fonts preview in version 14.0 of InDesign.
    The 'Selected Text' preview is shown backwards (LTR instead of RTL).
    This happens in spite of the fact that the text box is marked as a 'Hebrew' one.
    I'm using a Mac running OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra.

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  17. interface small

    Icons and font in indesign cc 2018 is too small
    What about solving this issue

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