Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
45 results found
JPG/PNG export zero byte files
I can't export JPGs oder PNGs anymore. I always get 0 byte files when I try to export on a shared network drive. Exporting to the local hard disk works fine.
2 votes -
Layered Illustrator File Import
By activating the layers during import, they are not always displayed in Indesign. This makes it impossible to work with all the files already prepared.
In the previous version of Indesign everything worked perfectly.2 votes -
Glitchy PNG Export
Trying to export a PNG at 72dpi (600 x 175px) but it continues to save the ends of the png in a glitch that resembles a TV screen that's broken (cant attach file btw, i keep getting a Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError)
my mac and all apps are up to date btw.
thank you in advance for any help!
2 votes -
png export
.png export provides unexpected results 0_o
2 votes -
When creating a EPUB with jpeg images there is always a .PNG file
When creating a EPUB with jpg images there is always a large .png file in the EPUB (it this is not an image). Publish Drive is refusing my EPUB because of this .PNG file.
Please help2 votes -
PNGs will often export at low resolution unless "high quality display" is selected
I have a graphic which includes a cropped part of a PDF which is a CAD drawing. I select it all, export to a PNG at 600dpi. Put it into Word and when I zoom in it's fairly pixelated: definitely not 600dpi.
If I select the placed PDF, turn the display performance to "High Quality Display" and re-export, it's a beautiful 600dpi file. This screams "bug" to me.
I'll add this to another bug report of mine, which is that if a link is modified or missing, you won't get a warning when exporting a PNG that uses it (you…
1 vote -
PDF/vector rasterize fail
Pdf rasterization has been bad for many years, a long time ago I reported this problem with complex graphics when thin lines appear in the image when saved to jpg. Previously, at least a pdf from indesign could be opened in photoshop, which had a different rasterization, but it has been the same for a long time, and when rasterizing SOME pdfs, it always creates thin lines in different places depending on the resolution...
Here is a sample QR directly generated in indesign when saved to jpg and in the preview in the application shows these thin lines!!!
I would…
1 vote -
export row
InDesign 18.3 x64 Windows
When exporting PNG images, INDD errs on the side of light exports at edges vs. rounding to a surrounding black level as demonstrated in the attached PDF.
1 vote -
Bug: Quality issue when exporting 72dpi jpg from InDesign
Sudden quality issue especially around text when exporting 72dpi jpg from InDesign vs exporting 300dpi jpg from InDesign then opening in PS, downsizing to 72dpi and exporting as jpg again. Mainly on Vector text but also noticable in images especially when creating gifs. Noticeable pixelation around text edges.
Examples and export setting screen shots below including side by side comparison (original 72dpi InD export left + 300dpi InD export reduced to 72dpi in PS right).png
Running macOS Monterey on Mac Studio 2022 & Latest InDesign 17.4.
Has only happened since the latest software update. This happened a few months back…
1 vote -
CMYK JPG export does not preserve the correct dpi export information
To demonstrate this bug, I've made an A4 landscape document as shown in image 1.
If I export this to an RGB PNG using the settings in image 2, the image exports as expected and all figures - including the ppi - are correct as shown in image 3.
If I export this to a CMYK jpgs using the settings in image 4, the image exports but the expected ppi of 300 ppi is incorrect and it has exported at 72ppi, though the pixel dimensions are correct (shown in image 5).
If I export this to an RGB jpg using…1 vote -
Image quality of exported JPG/PNG very low for InDesign 17.2.1
Since the latest update, exporting image files is virtually impossible and creates very low images. See attached for comparison between Photoshop and InDesign exported files. This issue may be caused by a problem with the Nvidia Studio Driver and the lates update for InDesign. The same problem occurs when exporting a highres PDF and then Exporting from Acrobat to an image file.
1 vote -
- L'exportation jpeg ne tient pas compte des pseudonymes du gestionnaire d'encre.
- Le résultat de l'exportation jpeg ne tient pas compte non plus du type d'encre utilisée (transparente ou opaque). Le premier point à été résolu par un script, merci de l'inclure dans les fonctionnalités d'Indesign. Le deuxième point n'a pas pu être corrigé, merci de faire le correctif.
Indesign 16.1 - W10 20h2 64 bit
1 vote -
PNG Export Quality
There is a huge difference in the rendering quality of JPEGs vs PNGs in InDesign.
See attached document that demonstrates the difference between the two formats, exported from the same InDesign document, using maximum quality, 72 DPI with anti-aliasing turned on.
The obvious differences are the moiré in the white top and the edges of the legs in the girl at the bottom, including the fine detail in the stitching.
It would be great if the PNG export engine could be improved.
1 vote -
PNG Export Quality
There is a huge difference in the rendering quality of JPEGs vs PNGs in InDesign.
See attached document that demonstrates the difference between the two formats, exported from the same InDesign document, using maximum quality, 72 DPI with anti-aliasing turned on.
The obvious differences are the moiré in the white top and the edges of the legs in the girl at the bottom, including the fine detail in the stitching.
It would be great if the PNG export engine could be improved.
1 vote -
Photoshop and Indesign pixel will not be the same
Spesso per delle testate online devo esportare dei JPG con pixel e risoluzione definita (ex. 336x576px e 72dpi). Rispettando tutti i parametri le grafiche vengono pixelate, devo fare più passaggi per poter inviare un file accettabile (esportarlo in .EPS portarlo su Photoshop e esportarlo per il web, oppure altri trucchetti) e sembra non esserci soluzione attualmente.
Questa è stata la "non risposta" di Adobe:
"Because a pixel has no physical size, and InDesign measures raster images in their physical length, not pixels.
In InDesign Pixels are a static unit of measurement, and is not related to image resolution—an InDesign page…1 vote -
When exporting (CC2021, Big Sur) JPG from page to OSX Serve (OSX10.10.5), file size is 0 KB, but when export to desktop file is ok. No matter what JPG settings are. No error message. Other exports (pdf, epub) goes well.
1 vote -
png keylines export
When I export designs using an imported PNG graphic, the finished PDF shows an unwanted dark line around the crop area of the PDF.
This doesn't seem to happen with jpegs or ai files.1 vote -
Tasks 2nd plan
Hello, i have tasks in the 2nd plan for a long time (1 week), is activating some fonts. And now I wanted to export to pdf the file but the tasking is on the waiting list to do after the fonts. I want to cancel the fonts activation but I´m not sure how to do it. Can you please support? thank you
I have inDesing version 16
1 vote -
Not naming first jpg when exporting all pages?
Why indd is not adding number 1, when exporting sequence of jpg files?
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Jpeg exported by Indesign have wrong dimensions when combined into PDF in Acrobat
A company needs to export Indesign documents in jpeg format. The jpeg files produced must be combined into a single PDF file. The problem is that the produced PDF does not maintain the original dimensions of the Indesign file.
The same files opened and saved again by Photoshop, instead, produce PDFs with correct dimensions when processed by Acrobat.
Instead of 480.00 x 330.00 mm, the file appears to have the dimensions of 1,999.99x1,374.8 mm.
It should be noted that by exporting the files in PNG format, the problem does not occur.
They required to export in JPEG format because they…1 vote
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