CMYK JPG export does not preserve the correct dpi export information
To demonstrate this bug, I've made an A4 landscape document as shown in image 1.
If I export this to an RGB PNG using the settings in image 2, the image exports as expected and all figures - including the ppi - are correct as shown in image 3.
If I export this to a CMYK jpgs using the settings in image 4, the image exports but the expected ppi of 300 ppi is incorrect and it has exported at 72ppi, though the pixel dimensions are correct (shown in image 5).
If I export this to an RGB jpg using the settings in image 6, the image exports as expected with results displayed in image 7.
Maintaining the ppi is important when later placing the cmyk jpg in other applications, as expected placed size is now incorrect.
I've also attached the three exports used in the demonstration.

Colin Flashman commented
Me again. Images three, five and seven didn't come through in my original post. I've attached them to this subsequent post.