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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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490 results found

  1. Color and Swatch in control panel extends pass screen edge

    1. Indesign CC V13.1 on Windows 8.1 Pro

    2.When selecting the fill or stroke for a shape in the control panel at the top, the pop out panel with swatches extends beyond screen edge

    1. I expect the entire pop out panel to show with the swatches displayed
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  2. 字符表字間過大

    it is hard to see chars even enlarge (space too big)

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  3. Adobe Indesign Ruler - Corrupt Display

    Adobe Indesign Ruler - Corrupt Display.
    When opening a document and mousing thru the document the display of the ruler starts to add "marks" in the measurements.
    We have been able to reproduce this in versions 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018.
    We have gone and used the rename "enUS" method and it only works temporarily.
    The issue is sporadic and can happen on new documents or old.
    Also sporadic through out the versions as well - same document can happen on one version and not another version.
    All application updates have been applied as well as Mac OS updates for…

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  4. Recent Files thumbails don't match corresponding documents

    When choosing an ID document to open from the "recent files" screen, the wrong file opens; i.e., the document that opens does not match the document that I clicked on. Or, sometimes I get an error claiming that the document cannot be found, but the file is indeed right where I left it. This does not happen every time...sometimes the right document does open from the recent files screen, but not usually. This has only been happening to me only for the past week or two. I have not moved my files, changed folder names, replaced hard drives, or any…

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  5. title bar icons

    Editable Title bar ... let us firstly remove the Br and St icons (really that stock stuff!!!) ... and possibly add our own buttons ... Primarily though allow us to disable stock throughout CC ...

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  6. ShortCut with ¨;¨ key on Spanish Keyboard:

    Hi I live in Costa Rica and my Mac have a Spanish Keyboard, Indesign have Commands with ¨;¨ key and the Spanish Keyboard haven´t that key, it have the key ¨ñ¨ , so I can´t use all shortcuts with ¨;¨ key..

    Please Help

    Marvin Montoya

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  7. Character and paragraph don't show options

    Hi guys,

    It's been a month since my InDesign doesn't open character and paragraph tool at work, can anyone help me ? Screen attached

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  8. Character, paragraph menus too long and getting longer on every open

    The Character and Paragraph menus, anchored to the right side of my InCopy, pop out with extra empty space to the right of the menu options. And the extra space has grown each time I've opened InCopy on a fresh open. So when I just opened it today, the character menu is beyond the left edge of InCopy and beyond the left side of my laptop screen even. Paragraph styles menu, in the same grouping of menus, is fine, because it has a corner I can grab to resize it. And they also are still too wide when I un-anchor…

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  9. Align window is empty

    After the latest update of InDesign CC 2018 to v. the align window is empty (see my screenshot). I work on a Mac with El Capitan.

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  10. InDesign CC 2017.1 build links panel redraw issue

    InDesign CC 2017.1 build links panel redraw issue. My links palette will not display correctly, even after closing and reopening. Sometimes I can't really use it at all. The divider between the links list and links info moves up and down, but it's hard to read and I can't always select an image or mulitple images. Restarting the app, restarting my computer, seems to make no difference.

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  11. XMP

    In InDesign CC, I can not open the information tab anymore (mac)

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  12. Assigned Shift+Delete to Edit→Cut; it does not work

    It's quite annoying that Adobe products doesn't support the Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Delete and Shift+Insert (Copy, Cut and Paste) operations by default. All other software on Windows does support so everybody is used with this.

    So I assigned the above shortcuts via Edit→Keyboard Shortcuts...
    The Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert works, but the Shift+Delete (Cut) doesn't. It seems to me a bug, Shift+Delete being hard-coded and it's taking precedence over the assigned key combination.

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  13. Docked palettes are collapsed when InDesign opens

    This is a problem that occurs randomly and has been happening (I think) ever since I upgraded to CC. I open up InDesign and all my palettes docked at the right of the screen are "rolled up" and I have to expand them myself. I have tried deleting preferences, deleting caches and then re-creating the palette configuration from scratch and saving it as a new workspace. This lasted for a few days and now it's back to opening like this again. I expanded them all by resetting the workspace, quit InDesign, opened it again and they were collapsed.

    Strangely, you…

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  14. Pressing shift quickly after clicking and holding a frame handle deselects it

    Say I have a simple rectangular frame that I want to resize (bear with me: I know I can use the black arrow but this is just an example). I choose the white arrow tool, select the two right-hand handles, click and hold one of the selected points, hold down shift to constrain the direction, then drag to the right. So far so good in theory. However, if I press shift within a few seconds of the click+hold, the handle I click on is deselected as if I had performed a simple shift+click. The order that I perform the operations…

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  15. Can't use num. keypad for shortkeys

    Hi, I'm using InDesign v 13.1 x64 (up to date) on my laptop (Windows 10).
    On Photoshop and Illustrator, I've no issue with shortkeys but on InDesign, I can't do "CTRL+0" for example. When I try to edit shortkeys, the software doesn't recognize my input, as if I wasn't pressing "0".
    Thanks for fixing it. :)

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    In InDesign, the numeric keypad is only meant to assign shortcuts to Styles – Paragraph, Character, Object, Table.

    For assigning shortcuts to other Application’s commands, you’ll have to use the other shortcuts – for e.g., to use Cmd+1 to bring image to 100%, you will have to press Cmd and the ‘1’ key that is above the letter keys (on English keyboard, 1 is above letter Q).

    Hope it helps to clarify how shortcuts work in InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign team

  16. [ID-4254090]Drag-duplicating an object with Alt key pressed does not duplicate, if moving on a separate page

    If I try to duplicate an object to another page, across the pasteboard border, by holding the Alt key and dragging with mouse, the object only moves there. If I want to duplicate an object to another page, I have to first duplicate it on the same page and then move it to another page.

    However, as that is unintuitive, I still constantly try to duplicate an object across the page border, leading me to undo back after I find out the object didn't actually duplicate, but instead I have moved the original object (and oftentimes edited it a lot…

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    Hello All,

    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.

    We have been able to fix few scenarios but it is till work in progress.

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the incremental fix.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.


    Adobe InDesign Team

  17. UI not displaying

    ui is not displaying correctly, panels, tools dissapeared. Please watch link.

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  18. Background Task Animation Error

    Adobe InDesign CC 2018 13.1 (latest version)
    macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 (latest version)
    Expected result: When a Background Task is being run, the animated progress bar to rise and fall (ex. 0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0,1...)
    Actual result: When a Background Task is being run, the animated progress bar rises and falls incorrectly (ex. 0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,0,1,1,2...)

    I notice this a lot since I am exporting multiple PDFs a day. As soon as each is done, I need to copy them to send via emails/upload to other servers/etc.

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  19. Hand Tool/Help Menu Shortcuts Mixed Up

    In their default states, the Hand Tool and Help menu options are bound to H and F1 respectively, but pressing H during normal use of the program consistently uses Help instead of the Hand tool.

    Removing the F1 shortcut from the Help menu fixes this issue. I've experienced it in other areas, and I assume this solution will work for those as well.

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  20. InDesign CC UI scaling problem on multiple monitors with different resolutions

    InDesign Version: Adobe InDesign CC 13.1 x64
    Operating System: Windows 10 Pro build 1709.
    Monitors: Portrait orientated Dell U2415 24 inch (1200x1920) with 100% windows scale option and Landscape orientated Dell UP3216Q (3840x2160) with 150% (Recommended) scale.

    Steps to reproduce the issue:
    1. Open InDesign CC on the 32 inch monitor
    2. Move all or some of the panels to the 24 inch monitor

    Expected result:
    Panels in the 24 inch monitor should adapt to the resolution of the monitor the same way Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC does – crisp and nice.

    Actual result:
    Panels don't adapt to monitor's…

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