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112 results found

  1. Batch "enable profiles for all linked images" option

    There should be an easy way to batch "enable all ICC profiles" for linked images in an opened document.
    Today, the only way to do this is by changing each image individually. Alternatively, you can force an ICC profile mismatch before opening the file, and then enable all profiles while assingning the correct ICC, which it can lead to errors.

    For those whose workflow is based on PDF/X-4, it is crutial to activate the ICC profiles for all the linked images in every InDesign document.
    And since the default behavior for InDesign is to ignore the ICC profile while placing…

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  2. Allow saving importing and exporting Proof Setup settings (Also include Colour blindness settings)

    InDesign is usually the final step in creating a publication where the changes can be made. It is therefore important to view a document, especially if intended for print, with correct proof settings. In Photoshop it is possible to save Proof settings, but in InDesign this is not possible (I wish they were interchangeable)

    Comparing Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign you see that there is less and less possibilities to have control which is ironic because often you would not know the output intent until you come to InDesign, and you may also have assets that are to be used for…

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  3. Break the table straddle rules (borders)

    Often we're receiving the feedback from our internal clients that table rule to be splitted whenever the tables are having multiple heads (attached the screen shot). Currently we unable to achieve this, need to fix in InDesign to fix this feedback.

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  4. Push Out Compensation for Perfect Binding on PDF Export

    Being able to take a facing page document and adding an amount of cross over bleed from the spine and scaling that amount from the spine to the outer trim would be invaluable to my workflow for large perfect binding books. As it is now stands, I have to separate each spread to single pages and create bleeds towards the spine and move/scale each page to allow for artwork alignment in the final printing and binding.

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  5. Print Preview Dialogue Box

    The small print preview in the print dialogue box was recently changed to a light grey, making it harder at first glance to discern page from background. Can you please allow changing it back to dark grey be a preferences option

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  6. XML Workflow – InDesign need to improve much

    We're facing huge difficulties in InDesign while handling the XML structure in InDesign, but it's good in FrameMaker. After importing the XML files in InDesign, no control is available in InDesign to validate the XML coding structure, also allowing the users to easily tamper the XML coding. Due to this limitation, XML extracting from InDesign are not actually correct and users need to fine-tune the same and spending huge time to correct. So current XML features to be improved much.

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  7. Need to include Blacklining option

    Some of our clients requires Blacklining feature in InDesign to track the corrections between previous versions of InDesign, currently we're managing this requirement with third-part plugin, called Blacklining.

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  8. how bout a built in blacklining feature that supports selective versioning (is there such a word) or cumulative viewing of text changes. Not

    how bout a built in blacklining feature that supports selective versioning (is there such a word) or cumulative viewing of text changes. Not to incopy please

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  9. Restore the page overlay display in the print dialog.

    I previous version of InDesign and the initial releases of InDesign 2017, you could see quite clearly what would print on the selected sheet size. In the latest update as of Aug 2017, if I change a sheet from letter to legal that has been printed previously, letter is still selected in the dialog, but due to the preview sheet being legal and cannot see that there is a size mismatch without going through the individual dialogs. For reference, the portion of the document that would not be within the printable region showed as a different shade of grey, whereas…

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  10. Devnagri Script Numerals in Numbered Lists and Foot notes etc.... have been waiting for ages

    It is very important and sometimes indispensable to have page numbers (auto) and Number list and Footnotes in Devnagri script numerals and not roman... but Indesign doesn't offer me any solution

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  11. Fix application built-in trapping

    I've posted in the forum (twice), and read similar posts by other people, regarding the failure to print application built-in trapping since ID v16. At least in Windows. The last time it worked (for me and for others) was in ID v15. Yes, we are advised to leave trapping to in-RIP, but there are situations when application built-in trapping is necessary.

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  12. Auto Package INDD files by Default

    It would be helpful if InDesign packaged documents by default when they are created. Ideally, as fonts and linked images are added to/deleted in the document, they are auto added/deleted in the package.

    This would be a time saver and would ideally eliminate the unnecessary duplicate INDD file created in the current package output and ensure all the current assets are in the file without ever having to manually update.

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  13. Hej Jag råkade ut för ett problem vid packning för tryck.

    När jag packade en bok med 300 bilder för tryck hämtade InDesign bildfiler från olika bildmappar och samlade till en Link-mapp.

    Problemet blev när två bilder från två olika fotografer hade samma namn eg. sifferkod (IMG3061). Då lade InDesign till suffixet _1 så att den andra bilden döptes till (IMG30611). När detta gjordes gavs ingen varning att det skedde. Därför blev resultatet att i den efterföljande tryckfils-processen länkades bildfilen (IMG3061) upp på två ställen.
    Så därför bör Adobe lägga upp en varning att den hämtat två bilder med samma namn och fråga om det stämmer. Jmf…

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  14. Flipped Images in Pre-Flight

    I'd like to add "flipped image" to the pre-flight process.

    I've recently had to scour a product catalog for flipped images because a junior designer didn't realize that flipping images mis-represented the non-symmetrical producs. It should be something that pre-flight draws attention to as a potential error, similar to non-proportional scaling.
    I was able to install an obscure script that looked for both flipped frames and flipped image content and made a list for you - it was a lifesaver!

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  15. Package convert images to specific format

    For architects, urban designers, and artists, InDesign has become an essential tool. However, our needs differ from those of graphic designers, introducing unique challenges. We often maintain specific folder structures for original files, repurposing them for various mediums - be it print, websites, or emails. For instance, when delivering a poster, it's inefficient to include large PSD images in both the 'links' folder and another location. Notably, for academic submissions, recipients often don't require layered files; they need images suitable for websites, emails, etc. Considering that most competition or submission layouts remain static after submission, a "convert images to a…

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  16. Efficient Packaging

    Have an option when packaging to "close current file and open new packaged file"

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  17. Path to images in linked InDesign documents not adjusted when packaged

    I have packaged an InDesign document with linked InDesign documents for the printer. The images inside the packaged InDesign files have the wrong path, it has not been adjusted to the packaged images.

    Our printer has printed the product therefor without the linked images which is a desaster. Please fix linked image paths within linked InDesign documents.

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  18. Duplex options in print dialog

    I would like to be able to set duplex on / off and flip direction in the print dialog.

    How it is currently setup, I have to change the printer, click "Setup..." which gives a warning about settings conflicts, click "OK", change the printer again (because I'm not using the default), scroll down to "More Settings", click "More Settings", navigate the HP print settings to adjust duplex settings, click "ok", click "print"

    I would like the duplex settings brought out to the main print dialog because going through about 10 steps to change 2 settings is a huge waste of…

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  19. Preflight: option to check document text only (not in linked graphics)

    Hi, I would appreciate to be able to determine whether or not the Preflight profile marks errors found in linked graphic files, rather than in the document itself. (For example, when a linked graphics file uses fonts that are flagged as 'not allowed', it might still be reproduced well while the same error is likely to be important when it occurs in a text included in the .INDD file itself.).
    I'm mainly thinking of text-related errors like invalid or missing fonts. For controlling this, the current TEXT options could just be duplicated into "Document Text" and "Text in linked graphics".…

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  20. Have a more helpful errror message for when idesign cannot package the file.

    Currently the error message displayed just says 'InDesign could not package the document "____". Cannot copy necessary linked file(s). This is super unhelpful when I have hundreds of links in my document and am given no hints as to which file is the issue or what the issue is. As a result I'm left stabbing in the dark trying to work out what the problem might be amongst hundreds of files.

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