Improving the various options of footnotes
In one of the latest versions of InDesign, endnotes have undergone a significant upgrade as they have become live endnotes than static endnotes. But unfortunately, the footnotes are left far behind.
We really ask that you rewrite the footnote feature so that the following features are possible:
1) Select all the footnotes at once (by Cmd + A or Ctrl + A)
2) Option to split footnotes into a number of columns is different from the main text (not just span footnotes but complete control over the number of columns)
3) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
4) Possibility to add any decoration or title to the footnotes (and not just the 'Rule above')
5) Option for a different position of the footnotes on the page, and not just at the bottom (side notes)
6) Possibility to control the footnote settings for each story individually.
Bevi Chagnon | ACP commented
Need to create our own custom footnote "numbering" system. In some professional fields, they have required footnote sequences, such as *, †, ‡, ¶, § which at this time, is not available in Document footnote options.
Let us create a custom pattern of numbering/symbols.
And to do this for each individual story thread, not the entire document.
And to create a different pattern/sequence for EACH TABLE, too. Right now, a table's footnotes get numbered (and placed) along with the document's footnotes.
Quite often, document footnotes are 1, 2, 3, while the table footnotes are *, **, ** or a, b, c.
Familia Saiegh commented
Yes, please!!
jimmy wilam commented
חחח, ידעתי שזה תכונה שרק יהודים מעוניינים בה, נראה שרק בספרי קודש יש הערות שוליים בשני עמודים כששאר הטקסט הוא בעמוד אחד!!!
Stevan Veljkovic commented
It ought to be possible for the document-wide numbering sequence to be overridden for a single note that has a one-off marking; for example, the standard, menu set sequence pattern is 1, 2, 3, 4, but for one specific note the marker is an asterisk (*). It's actually somewhat bewildering to learn that this is not already possible!
i commented
חחח חח commented
נצרך ביותר
Bevi Chagnon | commented
Allow a user-defined pattern of References and footnote Labels.
Some our textbook authors have their own pattern of symbols for footnotes that are different from the choices in InDesign's footnote controls.Also need to have a different numbering sequence of footnotes for tables and graphics. Example: the main story might use 1,2,3, etc. for its footnotes, but the tables might use *, **, etc.
Anonymous commented
בלי השיפורים האלו, התוכנה צולעת!!!
Roi commented
YES! (Please!)
Anonymous commented
מאוד חשוב ויעזור
Anonymous commented
דחוף תמיד!! -
Anonymous commented
בעד , חשוב מאוד
dafna commented
reut zanzuri commented
חייב לתקן את זה שתהיה שליטה מלאה ונפרדת מהטקסט העליון
Anonymous commented
מאד חשוב!!!
מיכל א commented
חשוב מאד מאד
Anonymous commented
Yes, please!!!!
אריק commented
בהחלט חשוב!
Anonymous commented
יעזור מאוד
shalom commented
very important!