Failed to export pdf file - why?
The export process dies with the error mesage "Failed to export pdf file".
Please include the cause of the error! How can a simple user figure out what was the cause of the error? Practically the whole production process stops here, because inDesign continuously refuses to export the PDF.
I'm able to export the PDF 2-3 times, then the error comes. I can get rid of the error only by restarting the computer - obviously not a solution when working on catalogs.
Dear IT team, please include what is the cause of the PDF export problem.

alicia springer commented
Has this been resolved yet????
Matt Brunt commented
I'm familiar with how to painstakingly troubleshoot the problem: a series of incremental exports while isolating the problem element. This might seem practical when the document in question is a page or two. But for long-format projects? There's just literally no reason I can imagine that InDesign can't report the actual error it encountered while exporting a PDF.
For my latest encounter with this error, I was thankfully only exporting a relatively small flyer. Took me about 10 minutes to isolate a couple of PNGs as the problem (why ID suddenly had a problem with a couple of re-used assets is another issue, altogether). My question is: Is there some reason InDesign couldn't have either...
1. told me there is a PNG on page 2 causing a problem;
2. told me the precise nature of the problem with those PNGs?
The pre-flight error reporting does this (although, pre-flight's green dot indicated there were no errors in this case); the "text overflow" reporting does this; so why shouldn't the export error reporting do the same? Again, the data is obviously available. I'd appreciate if InDesign would share it with the end-user. Again, yesterday's was an easy fix. Larger projects, I've blown 30 minutes of productivity chasing down a mysterious error.
KB commented
I'm having the exact same issue. I can export a pdf maybe 1 or 2 times, then the only solution seems to be restarting the computer. I'm using the latest version of InDesign 17.3 (updated this morning - didn't fix the issue). It's incredibly frustrating and killing my workflow. All it says is "Failed. See Alert." And then the alert just gives an unhelpful "Failed to Export PDF."
Nadia commented
I am afraid this comment will not help everybody, but maybe in some cases it will, so here's my experience with this problem I had somewhere in the past:
In my case this was caused by placed JPEG-files that were saved as 'progressive' jpg (with the format option 'Progressive' selected instead of 'Baseline'). Apparently InDesign does not know how to process this kind of file. It took me ages to find out this was the problem because... well, the error message does not say why!
Also, I heard other designers say it could be caused by very large linked Photohop files (PSB) and just today I followed an InDesign masterclass and they said it was best practice to link only Adobe 'native' files (PSD, AI, INDD, PDF) if you want to export an InDesign file to pdf for print, because 'it' does not always know in detail how to export non-native files perfectly. So if you receive a jpg, gif, png etc. from your clients, save it as a PSD file before you place it in your ID document. You do not have to change RGB files to CMYK, because InDesign will do that for you if you export for print and use the right settings. -
hannah clare commented
Hi, if this was fixed, I'd use the platform more. It ruins the design process and still isn't fixed.
jpfeifer commented
same problem.
Anonymous commented
I've also had this issue happen over and over going back at least a year when I switched to Windows 10. Sometimes (only sometimes) this is solved by restarting the app, but not all the time. Sometimes you have to size down individual images within the document itself, and once in a while, you can't even export at all to a PDF. Pretty frustrating that Adobe hasn't fixed this ongoing issue that's been happening for AT LEAST a year. I'm not expecting they're going to do anything about it, but that would be nice anyways.
Samirah commented
Hi Team do we have an answer to that yet?