Relative Link Paths for InDesign
At this company we work in teams on many project simultaneously along with a massive server of shared assets. Talking to my colleagues in other companies this is quite a common thing these days. We mostly work off of InDesign for the majority of our projects. As InDesign uses linked files for composition/layout, we keep our server organized. All IDD files are worked from directly off of our server, no files are stored on any person's computer locally.
We don't need to package everything (only rarely, for sharing to external entities) because all of the content already exists on the server.
The problem we're seeing continually is this: the absolute file path on the server starts off with a person's login to the server, then the file path itself. When someone else opens up the same InDesign file, links are broken because their login to the server is different from the other persons, yet the files have not moved at all.
Relative file paths would solve this since our file organization does not change.
Since this type of work environment is happening across major companies that use your app, we believe this isn't an isolated request. It needs to happen ASAP.
It can be as simple as a setting under general preferences so a person can choose to set up a file with relative or absolute link paths.

Gareth Cliff commented
This is very important. and also, common sense. The structure exists already in dreamweaver to use relative links. work to implement that here.
Sean McKeown-Young commented
I'm adding my name to the list of people begging for this feature. I'm working on automating a very repetitive ad campaign build that includes two print components, a digital ad component, an email and a static homepage landing image for 19 separate entities within our corporation. I can get everything to automate beautifully on my end but it breaks on the team members desktop. The reason is because the linked file structure is looking in my desktop, not the designers and the export is doing the same.
I'm trying the OneDrive override mentioned here, but it would be much more ideal to be able to set up linked file structures and exports as something more akin to linking assets in html. -
Corbin Featherstone commented
Bump! This feature would be incredibly useful for anyone dealing with a team of more than one person.
Rob commented
Simon Edwards commented
The important part is to ensure you've set up sync on both devices using the EXACT same location so that the relative folder paths match. Even though InDesign shows C:\Users\USERNAME in the linked file path, it does automatically update on other devices.
Further details can be found here:
Simon Edwards commented
Still waiting to find a proper solution to this, anyone had any other updates?
Hugo Nadeau commented
I can't BELIVE inDesign is not using relative path as the default feature. Adobe DO create tools to create websites afterall, so they must know about this Internet ABSOLUTE (lol) standard. Even in more modest setups like an individual creator that has only TWO computers, between witch they want to move a document, absolute path would ruin everything. Please change this ASAP yess, it really affect anyone's workflow I'm sure.
Ashleigh commented
YES PLEASE. It's even a pain when I go back and forth between my two different computers and I have to fix all the links.
Roland Kums commented
Still not possible to choose relative links in 2022? Hurry up Adobe!
Mark Pierce commented
I work with extremely large documents with 10,000 links. The process of duplicating a document and changing the link addresses takes hours. If relative links were incorporated, then it would dramatically simplify the process and save time.
Corrie Potter commented
//Script will update the document's links based upon its current location.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
function updateLinksRelativeToDocument(doc){
var docLinksFolder = new Folder(doc.filePath + '/Links');
var docLinksFolderFiles = docLinksFolder.getFiles();var docLinks = doc.links;
for(l = 0; l < docLinks.length; l++){
var link = docLinks[l];
var newLink = findLinkRelativeToCurrentDocumentLocation(docLinksFolderFiles, link);
$.writeln('successfully relinked');
}function findLinkRelativeToCurrentDocumentLocation(linksArray, link){
var linkFile =;
for(var i = 0; i < linksArray.length; i++){
var linkToSearch = linksArray[i];
if(linkToSearch.toString().search(linkFile) > -1){
var x = 0;
return linkToSearch;
return null;
} -
Sharon commented
I, too, have been experiencing this. I realize this is an old post, but I found this to be very helpful. It fixed my problem.
3/4 down it says this:
"Find missing links"
• To change link settings, open the File Handling section of the Preferences dialog box, and determine whether the Check Links Before Opening Document and Find Missing Links Before Opening Document options are selected.
• To let InDesign attempt to resolve missing links, choose Utilities > Search For Missing Links from the Links panel menu." -
Stein Eikesdal commented
The links has always been full path since the past 21 years, I've used Indesign for that long, and even if we Would link to files on example H: (mapped network drive in Windows), it would actually use the underlying UNC path link....imagine when that name is changed? Well, instant break, since they didn't save reference to "H:".
So, will that get fixed? Hardly, its taken 21 years so don't expect the next 20 to be of any different.
Angharad commented
Exact same problem in our organization. I rely on relative paths in ArcGIS and it has been around for the exact same amount of time as InDesign.
Sami Gale commented
The easiest workaround is to open your links panel, select all the items which have been moved and say relink to folder and then navigate it to the new folder. It's not perfect but it definitely works if you keep the same folder structure/names and filenames.
Aaron Khroma commented
I truly just don't understand how this wasn't a feature from early on. How does Adobe use this software internally and not get continually frustrated whenever they need to relink an entire InDesign document?
Regan Music commented
Any news on this? Seems like a massive oversight....
Marina Michaels commented
I'd also love to have this feature. Thanks!
col commented
I am yet another dissatisfied customer! All these links and their interconnectivity should be stored in one place and be up for change at the press of a button!
Wake-up Adobe and put this right. -
Petro Kuosmanen commented
Yup, this is most certainly needed! We have a mix of Mac and Windows machines and we constantly collaborate. Many of our projects share the same images so we are not wasting all the disk space by duplicating images in every projects links folder by using package.