Option to split table rows across pages
Lord please, if you're up there, answer our INDD prayers and make this a feature. A LOT of tables have rows with more content than can be held in a single page or bottom of a page. It's impossible to layout a continuous book or brochure if I can't get the table text to split - it doesn't have to be the default, but give me the option - please, please. WORD does this, be better than Word!!

Andrewtb333 commented
There are actually a few ideas about this in the system but they are all worded differently. I for one would word this "Allow table rows to break across frames". Assuming I have understood the intent of this idea, of course. Perhaps they could all be consolidated?
Barb Binder commented
Adding the option to allow cells to split across pages would be helpful to a lot of us.
J.Dinesh commented
Yes, this is best when the table cell flowed like an inline text / conditional text continuation without any manual intervention. Hope this is one of our inDesign challenges between its competitors.
Kindly Invest time in this bottle neck and provide list of solutions and we can choose the best method.
Bhupathi L commented
This is heavy manual work to split the table cell across linked text frames. Please include this feature in InDesign to save the huge time for composition.
Andrewtb333 commented
This is very true. With all the new features InDesign has added over the years, the basic (and very useful) functionality of tables in InDesign hasn't really changed from its initial implementation back in what, 1999?. Not being able to split a row across frames is such a huge impediment to layout, and makes Word superior for table-heavy documents, sad to say.
Anonymous commented
Tables!!!! First can we have table cells/rows that BREAK across pages. Second can we the ability to adjust the size of rows or columns without having to split and join an split and join..... Word is a much inferior product and this has been available since 1994.... Tables are probably what we use most of with little or no updating since Indesign 1.0....
Uwe Laubender commented
Added my vote…
Uwe -
Anonymous commented
It's a real pain indeed. How can this idea have only 9 votes?
Tobias Wantzen commented
Automatic page breaks inside a table cell (see MS Word).
It's a pain and very error-prone to cut the tail of the text even in the middle of a hyphenated word, add a new table row and paste it into that new row. It's bad and it's wrong when exporting the text and if your table reflows because of corrections before it, it produces errors, but up to now it's the only thing you can do to have a pagebreak inside a table cell.