Option to split table rows across pages
Lord please, if you're up there, answer our INDD prayers and make this a feature. A LOT of tables have rows with more content than can be held in a single page or bottom of a page. It's impossible to layout a continuous book or brochure if I can't get the table text to split - it doesn't have to be the default, but give me the option - please, please. WORD does this, be better than Word!!

George Salnik commented
Here the copy of mine request that I send through beta-test feature requests from CS4:
"Dear developers of InDesign,
Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into making our pagesetting work easier.
For maybe 10 years already I’ve been sending requests for a single function to be implemented, namely:
It is necessary to have table cells containing a very large amount of text splitting between pages (at present a cell is lipped over to a page completely)I’d like to point out that MS Word has had this capability for over 25 years, but it is not a pagesetting application of course. his functionality is very important for setting technical publications where long tables containing most of the publication’s text are frequent.
I’ve started topics devoted to this request at the prerelease forums for CS4 and CS5, than CS6, than CC testing and was told that that would be too expensive. After all those years could it be possible to set aside some funds?
Technical publications are built around tables; it is very important, and as an attempt to find a way out, a script has been developed by the leading Russian professional community, RUDTP http://forum.rudtp.ru/showthread.php?t=47080&p=537664&viewfull=1#post537664
That script kind of provides the functionality of splitting a cell into several page-sized pieces, but the script must be run after completing setting the publication, and any subsequent editing wrecks the publication utterly.
I’m hoping this topic will be noticed this time, not passed over as before. in advance thanks
George Salnik
Adobe InDesign Certified Instructor" -
Tim Van Hecke commented
Let's hope this gets done asap, i hate depending on Word for this.
I could use this feature several times a week. -
tomatej commented
I need this
Elena commented
Where do I have to sign? Please guys add this feature!
Thanks -
Susan commented
I just spent an hour trying to figure out how to split my table with no success, of course. Who would have thought it not necessary to add such a basic function/option?
Gary Vennarucci commented
OMG been searching on how to do this for over a year now and finally came across this page. PLEASE ADD THIS SIMPLE, YET EXPECTED FEATURE!!! It's made my life hell without it....
Gary Vennarucci commented
OMG been searching on how to do this for over a year now and finally came across this page. PLEASE ADD THIS SIMPLE, YET EXPECTED FEATURE!!! It's made my life hell without it....
Jeremy Nganga commented
I want to add my voice to the need to introduce a feature to break a cell when placing a table from Word, etc. This will enable the table to flow in pages when one cell has too much text.
Anonymous commented
DITTO!!! I use this feature ALL time in Word!
Anonymous commented
I'm developing a 500 page medical text with large tables of Medications. Locking tables inline then having to split them over 3 pages gives me the sense that im not using InDesign properly. It turns out (reading this page) that auto splitting tables over pages isn't actually a feature.
Word doesn't come close to InDesign functionality (the sooner the rest of the office working public realise that the better). Whack another feather in Adobe's hat by adding this function coding boffins. When you've finished that, we still need hoverboards
Cheers Sean -
Bhupathi L commented
Adding my vote to include this feature in upcoming 2019 release.
Uwe Laubender commented
Absolutely necessary feature: Split table rows between text frame columns and threaded text frames. See especially this thread at Adobe inDesign Forums:
how prevent row from breaking into the next page.
ashimg23377171 Jun 14, 2018
https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2502409FWIW: If the developers ever decide to implement footnotes with tables, breaking a row would come handy as well. Imagine a table with a row you can see from the first post of the linked thread plus footnotes where the footnote text should be on the same page AND you have a lot of footnotes and a lot of footnote texts you could get into a situation where you create permanent overflow of the story!
One could prevent this hypothetic situation by allowing to split a row between text columns and text frames.
Uwe -
Uwe Laubender commented
Absolutely necessary feature. See this thread at Adobe inDesign Forums:
how prevent row from breaking into the next page.
ashimg23377171 Jun 14, 2018
https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2502409FWIW: If the developers ever decide to implement footnotes with tables, breaking a row would come handy as well. Imagine a table with a row you can see from the first post of the linked thread plus footnotes where the footnote text should be on the same page AND you have a lot of footnotes and a lot of footnote texts you could get into a situation where you create permanent overflow of the story!
Uwe -
Rob commented
Im sure they are doing a fix on this as we speak................. hello..........anyone......... ARE YOU LISTENING TO US............... im about ready to cancel my subscription to Indesign because I can do this in Word and its a whole LOT CHEAPER than Indesign, and 50% of my job is doing tables!!! anyone??? HELP!!!..................bueller? Bueller? Bueller.?
Rob commented
PLEASE!!!!!!! WE BEG YOU... make this a feature!!! its so cumbersome to do it the cut and paste way... Tables are the only part where MS WORD has you beat... please fix THIS!!!!
Ellen commented
Total pain. Needs to happen!
Anonymous commented
I can get my tables to break in a cell in MS Word - the worst word processor app ever made - but I cannot do this in InDesign. Really? It's bad enough there is no good chart/graph functionality in anything Adobe, but this feature should have been fixed at InDesign v.2.
Anonymous commented
I agree, I opened my first version of Indesign 2.0 on my old computer and tables have NOT changes at all in 19 years!!! PLEASE!!! WE USE TABLES!!!!! MAKE THEM EASIER TO USE!!!!! WE ARE BEGGING YOU!!!
Hakan BALCI commented
Auto split table cells
Table cells must be divisible when passing to the other page. Word has this feature.
Andrewtb333 commented
This thread is asking for the same functionality, I believe, so that would bring the votes up to 30!