Hiding Pages in a Document
It would be helpful to hide pages in a way similar to hiding columns in Excel. I don't want the information gone, I just need to minimize it so I can focus on the specific pages I need. Accessing this action via a right click in the pages menu would be ideal.
The ability to Hide Spreads in a document is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Luca commented
Jana commented
Very needed feature. Also useful for online publishing of a dynamic content, where you can toggle between publishing or hiding pages depending on actual relevancy of content.
Please add -
Anonymous commented
Yes please make this a feature!
Kathryn commented
This feature would really help me today. Come on Adobe. Please add this to the next release.
Anonymous commented
I fully support hiding/disabling pages teporarily.
Will commented
Would be nice to have. I have a doc where I multiple pages of the same thing but with different info, then some of them are 'done' but others are not. I'd like to hide the ones I'm done.
Will -
Jeff commented
Has this been added yet Adobe???
Reu commented
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
This would be really great indeed!
Jordan commented
Agreed, this would be a good feature to have. Good for hiding variations of the same page from final export. Also would be good to hide pages from a portfolio document so you can easily make custom portfolios on the fly from the same master doc. Or hiding sections from a master pitch template to make the exported pdf more tailored. Would speed up workflow immensley.
Anonymous commented
would love his. Adobe? why not?
Alexander commented
This would be extremely helpful for iterating designs and then only outputting the one you want, but without deleting the old versions!
Storm commented
A simple right click and "Disable page"-ish function that would exclude that page from printing and exports would be very useful. Some times it's useful to have multiple designs of the same and disable while WIP.
Torben Greve commented
Gonna join in on the request for this… I don't think it can be overstated how incredibly functional and valuable this would be for document authorers.
Hemda Bella Federman commented
Please add this - will be soooo helpful
Jason B commented
I also would benefit from this feature. I'd like to be able to hide and show slides with the same functionality as in Microsoft PowerPoint. I find it amazing that Adobe hasn't listened to all of you who have asked for this over the years.
E Aaron Ross commented
Been hoping for this feature to be added or developed by a third party plugin for years. Every couple of years I Google it hoping there's been progress. Alas, nothing.
Muhammad Zazuli Rizki commented
I just started using InDesign recently, and I am surprised it doesn't have this feature yet. Currently I'm working on a project and have different alternatives of my layout design but still can't decide which one to choose, so it'll be really helpful if this feature does exist
Glenn Arne commented
I'd love to have this feature.