Make colour space CMYK not RGB!
Since InDesign is used for printing out things, having the option to change the colour space from RGB to CMYK would be great, as trying to select a colour using colours that aren't in the CMYK gamut is annoying as heck

Anonymous commented
Yes. My default changed to pixels and RGB workspace when I updated. I am having a horrible time trying to get it set back to print settings. I get it all switched over, and it reverts. I can't figure out why. I am using a workspace setting, but my new documents don't follow my workspace.
Lukas Engqvist commented
Depends on the intent of the document you set up. If you create a new document as print the default is CMYK.
Anonymous commented
A short way to choose this in the document settings would help so much.
Anonymous commented
Yes a would you like to convert to cmyk y or n would save millions of users hours of work.
Maik commented
Isn't that decided in the global colour settings of ID? You can at least chose in what colour space your documents have to be in or will be converted to and you can chose the transparency between RGB and CMYK. There is also a menu item "Convert to profile".
The colour picker seems newer. My CS6 version only has a "Colour" window where I can switch between RGB, LAB and CMYK from the mini menu.