New Alignment Option: To Bleed
Being able to align to the bleed or distribute to bleeds would be helpful.

Thanks for expressing your interest in this feature and voting for it.
We've started work on it.
Adobe InDesign team
Steve commented
The title say it all. Can you include an Align to Bleed.
Edge commented
This is definitely a much-needed feature for me. It would save a ton of time on aligning our layouts.
Dublove commented
Strange that there is no option to align to bleed(cut-offs) in the alignment panel?
Is it that the officials don't think it's useful?
I personally need it. What about you guys? -
Ali Castro commented
Its 2024...why can't we auto-align to bleed?
Nicholas Graham commented
Please add this feature... I'm constantly needing to align to bleeds when I'm working on print layouts.
Lacey Gasper commented
this would save me soooo much time right now...
Arthur commented
Would be extremely helpful!
Shelaine commented
Came here while searching for this feature as it sure would make my life a lot easier!
For those curious about how to do this in the meantime; let's say you need to align a colored frame or photo to the bleed on a single page. This color/image will cover the entire left page in the spread.
- make this object the width of the page + bleed
- additionally make it the height of the page + bleed
- now set the align tool to "Align to Page"
- align the object to right edge & then to vertical centerAlter this method depending on your particular case. For single page spreads with bleed, just make the object frame the height/width of the page + bleed and align page to vertical center/horizontal center accordingly.
Mitchell Patterson commented
Completely agree.
Mikey MacKinven commented
I'm gobsmacked as to why this isn't implemented yet :/
Justin Whiteaker commented
+1 for this as well!!
Aziz Btl commented
YES, Very needed! for example: align elements outside the crop marks for printing purposes.
Natasha commented
Upvoting this - very needed!
Beaniie commented
It's quite disappointing to see this simple feature hasn't yet been added considering the current build we are on. Adobe, need to step their game up.
+1. for this feature.
greg commented
Yeah we need this, come on...
This is the only page that comes up when i google "align to bleed indesign".
Which is often times a year now.Someone pls script it!
Amanda Batchelor commented
I would use this hundreds of time a day. Voted!
Tieu Bao Lai commented
Yes, please add New Alignment Option to Bleed in Indesign :(
Karthi commented
Yes we need to align option for Slug and Bleed. because some time need to align crop marks are manually aligned to bleed.
Craig Esbend commented
Oh, yes very usefull