Turn paths into guides with the right click menu "Make guides" like in Illustrator.
Pretty self explanatory. It's very useful for example if you need a marquee or an odd shape to serve you as a guide and most importantly, the snapping in InDesign between a line and a guide is so different and so hard to snap to a path.

Anonymous commented
I vote for this STILL 2 years later!
d commented
Yes please!
Vishu Aggarwal commented
Add the feature...like we can align to guides in the illustrator, but same can't be achieved in Indesign
nicky commented
Ability to convert tracks to GUIDE as already happens in Illustrator. Function that is missing and in my opinion very useful to determine reference guides with traced shape, oblique etc ... evaluate this proposal.
Antonio Rhoden commented
Can I vote twice? :-)
RY commented
Yes please! Currently working on a document with multiple diagonals on master page meant to act as guides. Having to work around the fact that it won't snap the path by putting intersecting vertical and horizontal guides at each point I want the shapes to be able to snap to. Illustrator has this feature is it so hard to introduce it into InDesign?
WilliamJaramilloSTAAR commented
Thank you Bob, I downloaded it and will try whenever possible.
Tobias Wantzen commented
Thanks for this hint, Bob, the script is fine, but when I first read this feature request, I saw circled or diagonal or rectangled guides in InDesign made out of a drawing.
Bob Rubey commented
There is a script that can help with this: http://kasyan.ho.com.ua/convert_object_to_guides.html