Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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408 results found
Cross-Reference feature
I'm an avid user of InDesign; currently working on a book-length document of about 150 pages. I often want to cross-reference something said earlier; however it is buried somewhere in the hundreds of paragraphs of the article story format. That means it's very hard to find that paragraph so that I can simply refer to the page number it's on (see attached file of image capture).
Here's my suggestion: Add a field in the cross-reference dialog box where you can copy in a few leading words of the paragraph you want to find, then have the paragraph text field find…
10 votes -
New file icons (cc 2018) a step back
Just wanted to bring up something that is hindering my workflow as-of-late - the new file icons for Adobe (using Mac).
I find that the new icons are abrasive visually, but beyond that the function is a bit of a setback. For instance, I used to be able to tell the difference between an .indd file and an .idml file even at the smallest icon size, because there was a distinct difference between the two. Now, however, the difference is so subtle, given that the color/shape of the icons are nearly identical, save a little beveled corner that is indistinguishable…
5 votes -
Create a new document based on selected pages of an existing indesign document.
I would like to be able to select pages within an existing InDesign document and create a new document using those pages, much like you can with layers in photoshop.
In photoshop when you select 'duplicate layer(s)' you have the option of duplicating them into different documents, including a new one. When I am designing a business card for a client, for example, I present multiple options. I will make all of the options in one document as separate pages. When they choose one I would like to be able to select the specific pages and duplicate them straight to…
16 votes -
Exclude Pages from Page Count
Please include an option to exclude certain pages of a document from the page count. I work with a lot of proposals that have page counts, but things like covers, table of contents, and tabs do not count. It's hard to keep track of the "counted" pages and having to go in and change the numbering every time I delete or insert a page. It would be great if you could right click on pages and say "exclude from page count" and the page count would continue on the next page.
26 votes -
allow to navigate between book files with PgUp and PgDn
F.e. hitting PgDn at end of opened document which is in book should open next document in book on 1st page or switch to 1st page of next document if already opened.
Obviously it should works with PgUp at start of document.Just like it works in Framemaker.
2 votes -
Increase section prefix 8 character limit
Can only have a section prefix of 8 letters. Would be nice to remove this limitation.
Any reason why a limit was imposed? Does it serve any purpose?
6 votes -
Update Book panel
Please update the Book files to work more like FrameMaker.
For example, one can group files together, use folders (to treat separate files as one chapter), set the pagination settings separate for each file (start on right, start on next, make page count even, etc.)
InDesign hasn't had any major long document feature updates for some time. (Endnotes doesn't count as a long document feature since they do not currently work for a book. <g>)
26 votes -
Countdown page numbering
I needed to start a book with the highest number to the lower, but it's not possible to start a page from 200 until 1 instead of 1 to 200.
Could a nice function also for double language book with right reading languages and left reading languages.3 votes -
Tailoring Fonts for Languages within Multilingual Documents
Sometimes large documents that have been translated into other languages will still have English written in them (company names, brand names, stuff that original creator wants to remain in English). Many times the English text will use a specific font, but that font does not support other alphabets/characters that appear in other languages, so the unsupported text comes up as red boxes.
There is no feature in InDesign that allows you to correctly identify the foreign language (all the red boxes) and lets you pick a different font WITHOUT changing the font for English. The only way to do this…
2 votes -
Keeping the format when updating the spreadsheet link indesign data merge
After creating a linked data merge file, you can then go in and edit certain field. But, if the excel sheet needs updating, you then have to 'data merge' again and lose all formatted text/images etc. There are third party apps, like WordsFlow, but this is expensive. Please have this feature in InDesign! Thankings.
6 votes -
full folder information when opening an existing InDesign file
When I try to open an existing InDesign document from inside the InDesign program I don't get the full range of folders (1). This does not change when going to an upper level and into the detail again despite there is an original InDesign file in one of the hidden folders. I have to go to Windows explorer (2 and 3) to start the file.
1 vote -
New Document dialog: trim safety margins
Print ads have trim, bleed, and safety margins on the inside of the page. Add the ability to define the safety margin in the New Document dialog. It would be better than using Margins and Columns.
2 votes -
Duplicate and Offset
I would like a way to override the keyboard shortcuts for "Duplicate and Offset." The shortcuts (option + arrow) are all too easy to hit while trying to navigate through text (using similar shortcuts). Many default shortcuts can be changed or deleted under Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, but this set is not among them. For some reason the Mac OS doesn't permit shortcut changes to InDesign, either!
1 vote -
Default search folders
I have to share documents with translators who having a different folder structure on the PC. They of course have the same linked files, so when opening the document, they relink all files, then save and send me. I would then have to relink again every time when opening the document for a check, because Indesign only remembers linked files folders as long as it is running. My wish: an option to permanently add folders to primarily look in for linked files.
3 votes -
Preview Checkbox in new document
Hi, Can you add the preview checkbox in the new document dialog box without going instead to preference and check the legacy dialog box.
3 votes -
User-defined counters
See WordPerfect and LibreOffice
1 vote -
10 votes
Add an option in Find/Change to "Continue from cursor position".
Presently, if you search and then "work" on what you find, and then continue your search, InDesign starts the search over from the beginning. This is frustrating.
7 votes -
About data merge
Merge single records also on double pages.
2 votes -
Make it easier to reorder and group pages.
Not that I want inDesign to be Keynote, but they're kicking butt in the page re-ordering department. I make presentations a lot in inDesign, and re-ordering, nesting and duplicating pages is a huge pain.
In Keynote you can move them around, group them, duplicate sections, nest them and a few other things, with no problem. inDesign's pages window is due for a reboot.13 votes
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