Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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301 results found
Keep All Paragraphs of the Same Style Together
In Paragraph Style Options/Keep Options or in Table of Contents Styles, add an option to keep all paragraphs of the same style together. This would be very helpful when creating tables of contents or, in some circumstances, bullet lists.
3 votes -
Space After and Space Before with negative values
Space After and Space Before with negative values, so that two different paragraph styles have less spacing than the sum of both
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Add "redefine style" button
I, and probably many other users, often use the "redefine style" button in the various style windows (mainly paragraph and object styles, but also character style etc.).
This is a very visual-centered iterative process, with a lot of tweaking, refining and tweaking again. And the "redefine style" is a key component in that process.
It should be reduced to a single click of a button, instead of right-clicking and choosing it from the menu - just as "clear overrides" has a button of it's own.
I've added the current paragraph stye menu, and an updated one with the dedicated "redefine…
3 votes -
Object styles: Display performance
Add the Display performance option to Object Styles.
For example, I want all the barcodes in my files to be displayed at High Quality Display, but want all my photos to appear as Typical Display.
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Ability to apply color to some or all of the individual style names in paragraph/character style palettes.
It would be so great to be able to apply color to some or all of the individual style names in paragraph/character style palettes, the way we can in the drop-down tool palettes.
The InDesign interface is terribly small (compared to Illustrator or Photoshop) and even my special computer glasses -- in conjunction with a 43-inch monitor -- are unable to compensate. There are times when I have 30-50 styles for large projects but use particular ones consistently over the others. I have a very hard time picking these out without stopping to stare, get close, examine the palette --…
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Cmd K should create a Hyperlink
I find myself constantly hitting Cmd + K when trying to add a hyperlink in InDesign and always going "GAH!" because that keystroke opens the preferences panel.
With InDesign trying to be competitive in the online publishing department, I recommend using the same keystroke most other programs use (Google, Word). Even if it's not the same quick command, hyperlinks should be easy to add.
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Adding Ordinal Format Options to Text Variables
I'm using Text Variables to show when the last time a document was modified. Currently, it outputs as "December 30, 2020", however, I would like it to be formatted with an ordinal option so it would display as "December 30th, 2020". Note the "TH" after the 30. So Xst, Xnd, Xrd and Xth would be displayed on the appropriate number.
Thanks in advance for the consideration and all the best!
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Generate caption "Name" without file extension
I'd like to be able to generate captions for numerous images based on their "Name" but I don't want the file extension to be included. Currently, I have to generate the caption and then run GREP to find/replace the extensions.
Removing the extension from the filename in Finder does not work.3 votes -
Ability to set default font (style/size) in Forms
When I use the interactive feature for forms, the default font is always Minion Pro. I would like to be able to change this for any text box I make, rather than having to do it text-box by text box. I understand that if the user does not have the font on their computer, this would be replaced with one they do have.
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Differentiate Native Styles vs Styles that came in with copy/pasted text
I would like for there to be some type of differentiation between Styles in documents when copy/pasting or bringing in new styles. Old styles get mixed up with new ones, some have the same names (body copy for example) so it's hard to tell which ones are from pasted copy and which are the ones I'm currently using in my document.
Open to any format as long as the Styles from the original document are all in one grouping and any styles from Copy/Pasted text are in another distinct grouping. This could be done by folders, or color-coding, splitting the…
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Footnote options sync
Can you guys make possible to import Footnote Layout? Or sync it on a book?
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Styles order when importing or book synking
It would be a good thing to keep styles order from source file.
If i have the following list of styles
- Style 1
- Style 2
- Style 3and i create a "Style 2X", i can place ir right above "Style 2". But when it is imported from another file or inked on a book, new style goes to the end of the styles list.
We should have an option like "keep list order" when link or import.
Is it possible to do that?
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External (Global) Styles — (Paragraph, Character, Table, etc) to sync and apply to multiple documents
It is constantly frustrating that every year Adobe fails to update InDesign with external Style functionality.
It should be easy to define a set of Paragraph Styles and apply that as "Global Style" which can then be used
across multiple InDesign files. Updating a "Global Style" would then apply those Style changes to all affected documents.This should apply to all things that can have styles applied, Table, Object, Paragraph, Character, etc. Any of these different styles should be able to be saved to an External Global Style — that can be then saved externally locally — or saved to the…
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We need feature variables
Ideas for expanding the functionality of text variables have already appeared here. It would also be interesting to create variables to describe the properties of non-text objects. For example, color, font size, size (length / width), page position, styles, etc.
The benefit of such an introduction is obvious: you do not need to create many monotonous styles that differ only in one or two common features. It would also indirectly affect the number of master spreads created.
Each property of a certain object represented by a list (for example, color) can be expanded with variables of the corresponding types (color…
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Default frame size
I'd like a preference setting to preset the frame width for when you paste text into InDesign.
By default, the text frames are 52,917 mm wide (which is 150 pt, but some of us work with mm); I'd like to set the default to a different value, say 100 mm.3 votes -
Column Guides and Text Wrapping
Can Ignore Text Wrap be an option in the properties for Column Rules? As an instructional designer in a team, we often have screenshots of the UI, with a text wrap of Jump, at the top of the left column in a two column layout. Currently, that forces the column rule to begin below the image, see screenshot.
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Reset to base for one single parameter of a paragraph/character/etc. style
I wish there was an easy way to just reset one specific parameter of a style to base ([ignore]).
For example:
I have paragraph style p2 which is based on p1. I previously overwrote the Font Style of p2 but now I decided to change it back to inherit the Font Style of its base style (p1). It would be nice to have some way to do that only for the Font Style. Not for the Font Family or Size or any other parameter. Maybe by option–, cmd- or right-clicking on the parameter's name...?3 votes -
Adjust Styles when you Adjust Layout
Discovered that when you use the new adjust layout option to change a document from an A3 to and A4 (for example), the character and paragraph styles already applied when it was A3 do not change to reflect the new text size that has been adjusted when going to A4. So when you go to apply a style to a new piece of text, the formatting is wrong. It also removes the styles that have been previously applied to some of the text. I have searched for a work around and cannot locate one.
Could you please add an option/check…
3 votes -
Serait-il possible de faire des filets seulement sur un ou plusieurs cotés d'un bloc texte (comme sur une cellule de tableau) ?
J'ai pouvoir appliquer à un bloc texte un filet de contour seulement sur un ou plusieurs cotés du bloc — un peu comme cela est déjà possible pour sur une cellule de tableau. Merci
3 votes -
alt/option + new style
When you want to create a new style and have the window pop up immediatly, you have to alt+click on ne "new style" button.
The window should pop up when you simply click the "new style" button. This should be the same for other panels such as the swatches panel.3 votes
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