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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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95 results found

  1. Indesign Effect Not working

    Screen Under Effect dropdown is not working. Please see the difference before and after screenshots. My InDesign is the latest 17.0. Please let me know the solution ASAP. Thank you.

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  2. Indesign Effect Not working

    Screen Under Effect dropdown is not working. Please see the difference before and after screenshots. My InDesign is the latest 17.0. Please let me know the solution ASAP. Thank you.

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  3. Indesign Effect Not working

    Screen Under Effect dropdown is not working. Please see the difference before and after screenshots. My InDesign is the latest 17.0. Please let me know the solution ASAP. Thank you.

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  4. PNG import issue with InDesign 16.3.1


    I'm having an issue with InDesign CC (16.3.1): some PNG files are imported in a green frame instead of being transparent. For example, when I import (whether with the shortcut cmd + d or not) the PNG of an image (1), it appears with a green background, while this same image only with an additional layer (2) appears with a transparent background, as it should. However, it is the same export format with the added layer displayed or hidden.

    I would like to point out that this bug only appears when importing into indesign, I don't have this problem…

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  5. arrow/scroll

    BUG Report: InDesign 13.3 x 64:
    I can't use my arrow to scroll up and down the Effects menu to see the various effects on my selected box. Instead, I have to click to reopen the list for each effect and then click each effect. There are 15 effects, so that's 30 clicks to get through the list instead of one click to open the list and then scrolling the list with the arrow key(s) to see the different effects on my selected box. PS - I reported the same problem with Corner Options; I can arrow/scroll horizontally, for example,…

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  6. 3 Bugs one Update > Edge smoothing doesnt work correctly > Effects previews and use doesent work correctly and shredderesd text >

    After the last update, the following things no longer work properly:
    1. CC Libraries
    (Crashes and shows either a reduced or enlarged section of the library and is no longer usable. Only a program restart helps ... short term! see screenshot 1. the bug was already in Illustrator!)

    1. edge smoothing! (Not only since the update): ... Does not work properly for quite some time! 2.1 Completely covered areas, lines and graphics have a slight contour due to the edge smoothing and become minimally visible (although these would actually be invisible and not visible in print) or form minimally soft edges,…
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  7. Vertical lines occur on the right side of the page when exporting to JPEG

    I'm experiencing issues when exporting my INDD-file to JPEG. It seems like the export process adds a thin, black line to the right side of the document that is not supposed to be there. Worked with InDesign for many years and never experienced anything like it, must be a bug. You don't notice this effect if you'll just use the image to upload it towards a transparent background or look at it on the screen.

    However, I'm designing posters and when sending these exported JPEGS to my printing house, they will add a frame of one additional centimetre for the…

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  8. '안내선에 스냅' 기능이 윈도우에서 강도가 너무 약해요.

    '보기' - '격자및안내선' - '안내선에 스냅' 위 기능이 Mac에서 아주 좋은데 Windows용은 강도가 너무 약해요. 좀 강하게 할 수 없나요?

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  9. Effects affecting all elements instead of the selected

    Recently I've noticed that whenever I try to add an effect, it affects ALL elements as opposed to just the selected object.

    The first time I noticed, I thought it would go away when I restart the computer but it's still happening! In the screenshot below, the top left was indeed the only one that got the dropshadow treatment but as soon as I hit that add dropshadow button, all the box changed their colors (see the purple and blue box)

    Tried Googling for a solution but couldn't find any. Anybody experienced(ing) the same thing? How did you fix it?

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  10. Effects affecting all elements instead of the selected

    Recently I've noticed that whenever I try to add an effect, it affects ALL elements as opposed to just the selected object.

    The first time I noticed, I thought it would go away when I restart the computer but it's still happening! In the screenshot below, the top left was indeed the only one that got the dropshadow treatment but as soon as I hit that add dropshadow button, all the box changed their colors (see the purple and blue box)

    Tried Googling for a solution but couldn't find any. Anybody experienced(ing) the same thing? How did you fix it?

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  11. Object Layer Options Causing Image to Glitch

    When Object Layer Options are used (top image over graphic, bottom image under graphic box, for example), the image will glitch and polarize. When moving around the document or toggling between regular view and preview mode etc, the image will sporadically go back to normal or alter its representation.

    Normal behaviour is for the image to show as expected.

    Running 16.0.2

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  12. fx text indesign missing

    Missing fx content for text InDesign, version 16.0.2, January 18, 2021. Imac late 2015 Retina 5k.

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  13. effecten venster: overvloeimodus-keuzemenu verschijnt op ander scherm

    Wanneer je in het venster 'effecten' de overvloeimodus wilt kiezen, verschijnt het keuzemenu op het hoofdscherm, terwijl het venster zich op het bijscherm bevindt.

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  14. Downloading PDF after publishing to Adobe

    when i publish the document to the Adobe - Cloud; it does provide me option to download to PDF; however that PDF is not interactive PDF.. is there a setting for that ?

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  15. Arrows not working in Effects Dialog Box / Drop Shadow section

    In InDesign 16.0.1 x64 in the Drop Shadow section of the Effects Dialog Box, there are some values where the arrows are not working. They are 1) Distance, 2) X Offset, 3) Y Offset and 4) Size (marked on the attached file).
    These values should change(increase/decrease) either by pressing the arrows on the keyboard or the little arrows to the left of the value. This isn't happening in the latest version of InDesign. I looked at other effects sectios and the arrows seem to work everywhere else.

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  16. transparency indesign 2021

    just updated InDesign and now the transparency effect no longer work. running 2021 - 16.0.1

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  17. Rotate effects same direction with page rotation

    When you need to rotate a page (180º) effects applied to a text frame aren't keeping the same viewable as it was originally set.

    i.e: If you have a text with a Drop shadow applied with an angle of 135º if you rotate the page 180º the effect applied is upside-down, not following the original X and Y position, it should be -45º to keep consistency, please see attached jpg

    Make sense?

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  18. Disable object stroke effects is not working

    I'm trying to disable strokes inner and outerglows in a specific object style using the code:

    var doc = app.activeDocument;

    var myObject = doc.objectStyles.item("box");

    myObject.strokeEffectsEnablingSettings.enableInnerGlow = false;
    myObject.strokeEffectsEnablingSettings.enableOuterGlow = false;

    But all I got is the behavior in the attached image. Is not really disabling and the effects is still active in the object.

    Posted the issue in a forum and we all realize that's a bug.

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  19. Indesign

    Dear Adobe Team,

    Kindly add options with page turn effect in Publish online Dashboard.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Siva Matta

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  20. "Hue" effect on rectangle breaks anti-aliasing of text

    Description: "Hue" effect on rectangle breaks anti-aliasing of text
    Version: InDesign 2020 (15.0.2. x64)
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.18363 Build 18363)

    1. Create a text frame and fill it with any text
    2. Create a rectangle on the same page and go to Window -> Effects, and set the rectangle's effect to "Hue"
    3. Text on that same page no longer appears anti-aliased

    Figured this out while trying to find out why all the text looked so bad. Ended up copying things to a new document (where text wasn't jagged) one by one, and eventually narrowed it down to the…

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