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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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144 results found

  1. indesign 16.1 color management

    indesign keeps resetting the color management to emulate 2.0 cms

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  2. Applying a different swatch not always working (bug?)

    It happens every now and then that changing the color of text by selecting the text with the text tool and clicking on the desired swatch does not change anyting. You can select the desired color, but the text color stays the same. It does not seem to be document related and is not always happening. If you use the color picker to select a random color from the document, the problem disappears. You can find more comments and examples on this issue in the Support Community:
    At this moment I am running ID CC 16.1 on a fully…

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  3. Gradient scaling breaks/does not work when copying from Illustrator

    OS: Mac OSX Catalina 10.15.5 (19F101)
    InDesign: 15.1.1
    Illustrator: 24.2.1

    I think InDesign has a bug. Steps to reproduce:
    1. Create a shape in Illustrator (RGB OR CMYK) and insert a color gradient.
    2. Copy it and paste in in InDesign Document
    3. Scale it (bigger) in InDesign and it breaks the vector apart (the part with the gradient)
    4. See Video attached

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  4. 4 votes

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    Can you please look at the separations plate and let us know the color values.

    You just have to follow simple steps:

    1. Launch your InDesign
    2. Create an object say rectangle and fill your color
    3. Go to Window→Output→Separations Preview
    4. Select the drop down of View to Separations
    5. Hover over your object. The separations will show you how much % of which color component comprises the color.

    Also, let me know the Platform and OS version that you are working on.
    A short video showing the issue will be very helpful.
    You can directly reach me out at

    InDesign Team

  5. HSB Color Slider Not Working

    The HSB/ CMYK Color slider window hasn't been working for months, every project has this window grayed out and disabled with no options to turn it back on.

    If you want to change your colour you have to use the Color Picker, which in comparison, isn't good.

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  6. Why does InDesign not include all new Pantone colors?

    I have 2 year old Pantone book and InDesign doesn't even include all of those colors. Fix your stupid software so it is up to date. Paying for this lousy software every month makes me feel like I am being robbed.

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  7. Color Swatch Menu Closes Upon Right-Click

    1. Adobe InDesign v19.0 When I click the color swatches panel menu dropdown, the menu drops down, and I am able to edit existing swatches and I am able to add new swatches. The problem occurs when I attempt to right-click on a color or if I press the hamburger button at the top right of the panel. When I try to do either of these, the entire menu closes.
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  8. Gradient Panel and Color Panel missing all options

    After using InDesign 18.5 for some time the options for adjusting color in the Color Panel and Gradient Panel go away. This can be fixed by resetting the user preferences/settings (hold shift/cntrl/option/command while opening Indesign). This fix is only temporary and eventually the options disappear again. This is driving me nuts!

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  9. In the latest version of the In Design software, the color of the black and white arrow are inverted when you choose the dark themes in the

    correctly reconfigure the arrows of the selection tool (black) and the direct selection tool (White)

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    Fill/stroke boxes missing in the swatch panel. You have to go to the left panel to change colours.

    INDESGING 2021 / 16.1

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  11. eyedropper

    Eyedropper tool inside colour palette for text (double click on the T in the foreground background colour selection) doesn't function on Mac. Also crashes the application.

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  12. Eyedropper doesn't pick up the correct color

    I'm trying to select a color in a pdf that was placed in an InDesign document. The eyedropper won't pick up the correct color. It's consistently choosing a color that's darker than the color I want. I have zoomed in all the way so I can click on individual pixels, but that doesn't make a difference. I'm clicking on a light gray (almost white) pixel and the eyedropper is choosing a dark gray.

    The layer with the pdf is the active layer and it is unlocked. I'm using InDesign CC 14.0.1

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  13. Swatches panel not displaying correctly

    My swatches panel is not displaying correctly. In order to view my current swatches, I have to extend the width of the panel. When the swatch panel is the same width as the other panels, the swatches are completely hidden. Also missing at any size are the buttons for new swatch, delete swatch, etc. These buttons appear on other panels but not swatches. Quitting InDesign and rebooting my computer did not resolve the issue.

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  14. Specific circumstances where an RGB black cannot change to CMYK

    To replicate this fault, please do the following:
    1) Create a new document using the web workspace.
    2) In the new document, open the swatches palette and note that the default colours show the RGB color spaces.
    3) From the Edit Menu, go to transparency blend space and change it from RGB to CMYK.
    4) Go to document setup and change the intent of the document from web to print.

    What SHOULD happen:
    All colours in the swatches panel should go to CMYK;

    What ACTUALLY happens:
    All colours in the swatches panel remain RGB. This results in an RGB black…

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  15. Font and color selection is not working

    I am using Indesign 2025 which was automatically updated on my computer on M1 Max MBP with Sequoia 15.1.1.

    When i try to change a swatch color on an object or a paragraph style on text, indesign will not allow me to make my selection. It will register the selection for a brief moment, and then the icon will deselect the option and my request was not taken into account. This bug is very frustrating as it is not allowing me to make any changes needed.
    This is a relatively new bug that was not there in indesign 2024…

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    Nella palette campioni non è più possibile scegliere se applicare il colore al testo o al box, la funzione è disinibita, non viene mostrata nemmeno l'icona di riempimento/traccia

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  17. Colour Panel

    Hi , I'm using adobe indesign 17.3.
    My colour panel option become gray out .
    I'm not able to mix any colour on the colour panel.

    How do I fix this issue?

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  18. Overprint white text when color changed in stylesheet

    When changing color to 'Paper' on a selected text – it automatically is set to not overprint (correct behaviour).
    However if you change the color in a stylesheet, from a color with overprint, to 'Paper'. It will remain on overprint.
    Also the checkbox gets greyed out. So to fix it you must choose another color, uncheck overprint, then go back to 'Paper'.

    InDesign 18.2.1

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  19. swatch

    I've restarted indesign, restarted my laptop, reinstalled, and my swatch panel keeps bugging out and looking like this, even when moved to different spots in the ui. Please help! Running version 18.1

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  20. EPS-Import CYMK swatch LAB

    InDesign 18.1, macMOS Ventura 13.1, Mac Studio M1 Max

    Lesen Sie auch hier für eine sehr ausführliche Beschreibung und Lösungsansätze mit Beispieldateien:

    Eine Volltonfarbe, z.B. Pantone, ist in InDesign bereits angelegt. Die Darstellung der Farbe ist in LAB.

    Wenn ich nun ein EPS (aus Adobe Illustrator) mit der gleichen Pantone-Farbe importiere, dann springt die Darstellung der Farbe von LAB auf CMYK um und wird dadurch wesentlich schlechter.

    Das geschieht auch mit anderen Farben, z.B. ANPA.

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