Crashes when changing font, copying text and saving as another file type
I have been tryin to open one of my 'old' Indesign files (2017). At the time I used Cross-References plugin DTP tools. I no longer use it. It keeps populating a notification that the plugin is missing, but it still opens the INDD document. I have tried saving the document—
1) as an IDML document and that does not work.
2) I have also tried saving as a new document but the issue remains the same.
3) I have tried copying the text from it to a new INDD document, it crashes every time and I have sent crash reports.
4) I change the font to different font or basic—it crashes every time.
5) I have tried exporting it as an IDML file to sanitize it and it crashes
The only thing I have not tried is purchasing "Wordsflow" plugin from Em Software and exporting to Word. Also, I have not tried re-installing the DTP Tools plugin again, as of yet. Ideally, I would like to reconcile the document without paying for plugins I don't need to use.
Adobe, I would be grateful if a 'fix' could applied so I can retrieve it.