Adobe InDesign 18.5 missing Fonts
Missing Fonts in Adobe InDesign 18.5.
Our Corporate Font is always missing in Adobe Indesign 18.5. Our IT checked the Font istallation, Libraray Font Cache ... and we got the Info, it is only an Adobe InDesign problem. Cause the corporate Font is in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop available.
The complete Grafik Team has installed otf and ttf Fonts. (And no we don't use Postscript Typ 1 Fonts.) 😉
Our Typedesigner tested the Font, everything is ok.
We are using InDesign 18.5 on Mac Ventura 13.5. Deinstalling and install InDesign 18.5 new didn't solve the Problem. The complete Font-Family is not available in InDesign.
Could you please fix that Bug, otherwhise we can't produce or adverticements and commercial materials in InDesign, cause or corporate Font is not avialable in Adobe Fonts or other Font Stores.
Thank you very much!
Hello Romana
Can you try putting all these fonts in the folder: /Applications/Adobe InDesign 2023/Fonts and see if it solves the issue?
Adobe InDesign team
Romana Roithner commented
Hi Ravi,
At first thank you for helping me to solve the Problem. I'm sorry our Library looks a little bit different.
The things I've tried:
Folder: / Applications Support / fonts ---> there I copied all my in InDesign not working Fonts.
Today I switched back to the 18.5 Version of InDesign. To test in 18.5. now my structure looks like the Screenshot. I created a font folder in the InDesign Folder ... also put every font-style of the Type Family into it ... it doesn't work.
Maybe this Information helps you to understand the problem better.
at the Version 18.0 my college and I don't have problems. The Higher the InDesign Version the more font-styles of the font family doesn't work. InDesign Version 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5 doesn't work.The curios thing is, that it worked before, I worked minimum 2 weeks in 18.5 with our font, and I don't know why it suddenly doesn't work anymore.
I don't know why. Maybe you have a great Idea.
Fingers crossed, cause we have these troubles I think since July and nobody could solve this problem.