Use Auto-Sizing and Text Wrap Frame on causes application crash
Environment: InDesign 2020 (15.0.2 Japanese version) + macOS (confirmed with 10.15.3 and 10.14.6)
- create and connect two text frames
- set Auto-Sizing "Height and Width" on Text Frame Options
- Insert text into two frames full
- overlay graphic frames with Text Wrap settings ON
- move the graphic frame appropriately (drawing is not normal at this point)
- close documents with Command + W
During this operation, you will usually be asked to confirm the save, but suddenly InDesign will end and the application will crash.
Also, if you try while overwriting with Command + S without Command + W, you may not be able to save eventually.
This problem does not occur on Windows version.
As a comparison, the same operation was performed with the English (North America) edition on macOS, but no problem occurred.
Therefore, it is highly possible that the problem is unique to the Japanese edition.
Original trouble posted Adobe Community.
(There is a other post about User Voice, but this is a different issue.)
InDesign file is prepared separately.

Based on internal investigation and customer comments, we have concluded that the issue got fixed in InDesign 15.0.2 and that issue happens with InDesign 15.0.1 version only.
Please start a new thread in case you see the issue happen with InDesign 15.0.2
assause commented
This trouble happened at first, but now it doesn't happen.
But, occur when intentionally installed Version 15.0.1. -
assause commented
環境 : InDesign 2020(15.0.2 日本語版)+macOS(10.15.3と10.14.6で確認)・2つのテキストフレームを作成し、連結する
・グラフィックフレームを適宜動かす (この時点で描画が正常ではなくなる)
また比較として macOSにEnglish (North America) 版を入れて同一の操作をしましたが、発生しませんでした。
よって日本語版固有の問題である可能性が高いです。元々はAdobe Communityに投稿された問題です。
(そちらに類似のUser Voiceに関する指摘がありますが、本件は別の問題と思われます)ファイルは別途用意しました。