Change font without changing style
Assume that I have selected some text which contains instances of bold, italic, or other "styles" (not INDD "styles," but variations of a typeface within a specific font family).
In previous versions of InDesign, I used to be able to change the typeface of the selected text, and maintain all instances of bold, italic, etc. In newer versions of InDesign, this is only possible when I navigate to the new font family by scrolling through the menu; when I search for a font family, I am presented with only the specific members of the family, not the family itself. This means that no matter which family member (roman, italic, etc) I choose, I will be losing for formatting already applied to the text. Please restore the ability to change the font without specifying a "style"/family member when choosing a typeface by typing its name into the font menu box. Thank you.
If this is unclear, please let me know, and I'll answer any questions.

cb commented
still true march 2023. used to be able to change just the font and the size while maintaining the other characteristics. what happened and why does Adobe want to make our work harder and full of even more contemptible, buggy user-hating friction?
Kryss Barick commented
The suggested fix does nothing to rectify the situation. What's up?
Robert commented
This is such an incredibly bad change for designers that it's ridiculous. I am literally thinking of changing to a different design program because of this one important flaw.
David commented
I had this same issue, but realized that there is a down arrow right next to the search icon that allows you to change it back to the old way.
Just select "Search First Word only". -
Filip Blazek commented
This behaviour is so annoying! It makes the design process slow and less efficient than before Adobe CC. It is obvious people changing functionality of InDesign have no idea how designers use the app :-(