Still not fixed—GREP search fails to find all the matching instances in long documents
An Adobe Indesign CC 2019 (version 14.0.2) file has fewer than 15K characters. A return, followed by the text “ppp”, appears 27 times in the file. They can all be found using the “Text” version of find, searching for “^ppp”. However, using the “GREP” version of find, searching for “\rppp”, only the last one is found. (I am running MacOS Mojave, version 10.14.5 on a MaxBook Pro, retina, 15 inch, mid 2015).
I followed the purported fix found at but with no success.
Indesign files are invalid file types for attaching to this bug post; however I have a sample file illustrating this bug and am willing to send it along if it is wanted.

Upon thorough cleaning of App Preferences, the issue has got resolved.
Adobe InDesign team