Properties Panel snaps closed inconveniently
I must admit, I was not a huge fan of the new properties panel, as I found having the properties at the top of my workspace quick, convenient and more easily accessible. In working with typography I've encountered a few issues with the latest release of CC (working on iMac High Sierra):
- If I try to open the character panel, there is a lag time with the dreaded rainbow spinning wheel that either takes way to long to load and sometimes crashes the program.
So, to get around that, I've adopted using the properties panel for type changes, which opens immediately and allows me to make the same changes I could in the character panel. However, there is one thing that is slowing my work flow and I'm wondering if there's any way around it.
- When I'm in the text tool and needing to make text changes repeatedly throughout a document. I need to expand either the character or paragraph panels by clicking the three dots to expand the menu. Every time I reinsert the cursor to make the same or similar changes to other text within the same document, the panel snaps shut and I'm forced to scoll down and reopen the extended panel. This is cumbersome and annoying and wastes time. Is there a work around that I'm not aware of?

After updating to InDesign 14.0.2, the issue is resolved.
Adobe InDesign team
Diane Rigoli commented
Ah yes, I updated to 14.0.2 and it's fixed! Thanks!!!