Selection of PDF Comments
InDesign CC2019 (14.02 x64) Windows 10
I am only able to select the corresponding sticky note icon from imported PDF comments at 100% or less view magnification. This is unhelpful as at this scale, large dimension sized documents the text is greeked out, I need to zoom in to see what is written in my document to compare against the comment, but then have to zoom back out to select the next icon to bring that comment to the fore of the list.
Please correct so I can select sticky notes while panning throughout a document at >100%.

Thank you for reporting the issue.
Has is started to happen in Id 14.0.2? Was it working fine before?
Rob Hutchings commented
If I could add to this bug report - it would be really helpful if when you clicked on a PDF comment in the list from the Panel, that the document view setting didn't keep resetting to fit to page.
If I click on a comment in the list the ideal scenario should be that the document retains the same view magnification and focuses to the part of the page where the sticky note is anchored.
Rob Hutchings commented
Hi Abhinav, unfortunately I cannot say whether it worked previously, yesterday was the first time I tried to use the feature.