InDesign 2019 scrubby zoom no longer works (command + space + click)
Prior to InDesign 2019, you can press command + spacebar + click to be able to activate the scrubby zoom feature.
Now when you press command + spacebar + click you just draw a box that once you unclick, it zooms to that space... Very undesirable..
Did a preference change on the update somewhere that I don't know about? Because I can not find this feature in the Preferences now.
Please advise.

The feature you are talking about is called ‘Animated Zoom’ (it’s Mac only feature).
It is turned ON by default on Mac machines having a GPU card with a compatible monitor attached.
Check the Document Name in its tab – does it say ‘GPU Preview’? If not, press Shift+E to switch to this mode.
Also, check under Preferences > GPU Performance and see if ‘Animated Zoom’ is checked ON. It should be enabled for this feature to work.
Adobe InDesign team
Annamaria B commented
When I select Cmd + Space bar I get Spotlight Search in InDesign. I unchecked Cmd + Space on the preferences for Spotlight Search and Animated Zoom now works for me in InDesign.
Tyler commented
I have had this happen many many times on my mac. Most people say go to GPU preferences and click animated zoom. HOWEVER, it is always already active and still not working.
The trick that fixes it every time for me is to shutdown my Mac and then start it up again. Soon as I do that the scrubby zoom works again. Not once have I seen this mentioned in any forum. Drove me nuts forever. Closing just the application and reopening never helped. Only fix for me on a mac with scrubby zoom is restart the machine.
Anonymous commented
OMG! Why on Earth would you rename Scrubby Zoom and bury the preference?!!!!!! I don't want to keep re-learning this software. What is wrong with you guys? I can't stand Scrubby Zoom or Animated Zoom or whatever you are going to call it tomorrow! You guys don't actually use the software do you? You cost me so much frustration and time.
Menno Drontmann commented
Same problem... This has to be a bug since it was broken with me and then after the second update of ID CC 2019 it _was_ working again for some time. But now it's broken again and can't select 'animated zoom'. Rolling back a version and updating again sadly doesn't work.
Got a brand new MacBook Pro with the right requirements.
What to do??
Thomas commented
Thanks Ravi, but once I go into the GPU Performance settings the checkbox to enable is greyed out...