Can't Open JPEG file
Hi there
I am having trouble opening up .jpeg files from Indesign. It is installed as a part of my Creative Cloud subscription. Please see attached for the error that pops up. Your help will be appreciated.

JPEG files cannot be opened directly in InDesign. They can only be placed.
Create a new document and from the File menu, select the Place option. Select a JPEG file and click Open.
Hope this helps.
Adobe InDesign team
Andrew Hope commented
I select a file from the links window in InDesign to open and edit in Photoshop. I am getting the attached message. Any advice please.
lance watson commented
As I understand this question. 'I am having trouble opening up .jpeg files FROM Indesign'. Not IN Indesign.
i.e. opening a jpg link already placed in ID. Common sense hey.
Chris commented
It might help if you actually learn the program and know what it is used for. Common sense goes a long way.
Kelly Phillips commented
InDesign can't open .jpeg files on their own the way Photoshop does. If you want to place an image into an InDesign file you need to create an InDesign document first. Then you can drag and drop it or use the "Place" option under the "File" menu.