[ID-4219717]Colors are displayed differently between pages
InDesign 13.0.1 on iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017) OS 10.13.3
Open a CMYK document. Place an sRGB file on page 1. Place the same (or copy) on page 2.
Expected: the colors on both pages look the same.
Actual result: With color-proof switched off, the colors on page 1 show as if color-proof turned on while on page 2 the colors show correctly. See screenshots with the same files on 2 pages. I changed nothing I just moved the picture from one page to the other.
With color-proof turned on all pages look like page 1.

Thanks for reporting.
We will review the bug
-InDesign Team
Lukas Engqvist commented
There are things different on the page showing transparency flattening (soft proofing of CMYK) there are most likely transparency objects. If this is a case InDesign is forced to enable colour management because of there being transparent objects. I suppose it could trigger proofing for the whole file… how would you want it to behave for it not to be a bug? If you change transparency blend space to RGB you will get the RGB colours.
ozoltan commented
Try the following procedure:
1. Quit all CS program.
2. Go to Users/YourHomefolder/Libray/Preferences/Adobe/Color folder.
3. Delete the ACEConfigCache2.lst file
4. Open Bridge then set Color Settings as you need.
5. Open Indesign.
5. Turn off GPU Performance in Indesign preferences then quit.
6. Start Indesign. Check your file with inconsistence color looking. Think that is good lookong at now.
7. Turn on GPU Performance in Indesign preferences then quit.
8. Restart Indesign. Check again your file with inconsistence color looking. Hope that is good looking at now. -
Holger S. commented
Correction: This only occurs when there is a transparent (RGB) Illustrator file on the same page. This makes the page render as color-proof.