installed font missing
InDesign 13.0.1 on macOS 10.12.6
One installed font from a family of 6 suddenly started showing as not found. Frutiger LT Pro 67 Bold Condensed was correctly showing, now not.
I have re-installed InDesign twice, reinstalled the font, and rebooted several times. Font is correctly showing still in Illustrator and Photoshop.
This is impacting client files and while I have a workaround, I am concerned the problem will occur with other fonts where I don't have a viable solution. (I have another foundry version of that particular font.)
Screen shots attached.
many thanks

Please let us know if this issue still happens with the latest InDesign Release
AQuinn commented
This is still a regular occurrence for me. I have fonts go "missing" all the time, yet I have them installed.
Nvard Yerkanian commented
Did any of you guys find a solution to this? I am experiencing the same after I updated InDesign and deleted cash. 2 of my fonts disappeared from Indesign, though they show up in Illustrator.
The support doesn't seem to be able to help, I've been redirected from one agent to the other (7 people), and waiting for a call back for more than an hour.
I think it will be easier to find a solution from the community.
Thanks. -
Anonymous commented
I purchased a font and installed it using FontBook. It displays and loads properly in Illustrator, but InDesign is being a problem. First, the font family name appears twice, and there are no options shown in the drop down menu for a typeface with a lot of variants. InDesign highlights the words set in this in pink and says it's missing.
Yo commented
this is happening to me. TTF font installed and working in TextEdit. Completely missing in InDesign 2021 using Big Sur
Anonymous commented
@amaarora still occurring after the new update.
Anonymous commented
Frutiger font that was working fine in CC19 InDesign, shows as missing in CC20 InDesign. Chances are Apple will blame Adobe, Adobe will Flip to Apple, then both point fingers at font foundry...
Colin Veysey commented
I open a file and find not even Arial is listed as an installed font - this is ridiculous - clearly Adobe InDesign CC team have not sorted this issue... this is supposed to be a flagship programme! Workarounds, and retrograde versions - while those spending a lot on the software are suffering!!! I'm Windows 10 and latest CC InDesign. Come on get it sorted please.
IVAN MACHADO commented
No meu caso é uma fonte Arial que aparece como AUSENTE. Você tentou todos os procedimentos da Adobe, mas nenhum deu certo.
IVAN MACHADO commented
No meu caso é a fonte Arial que aparece como AUSENTE. Já tentei todos os procedimentos da Adobe, mas nenhum deu certo.
Peter Modin commented
My problem turned out to be related to pasting cells from Excel, which included some hidden control codes.
Peter Modin commented
I have the same issue, with "Miller Text Roman" and "Minion Pro Regular". After a while, Indesign seems to misplace the font and you have to rely on some old cache, which frequently renders the text completely garbled.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue but with several different fonts. It makes it frustrating having to go unsync and then sync the fonts again everyday.
Martenia commented
I have the same issue, with the same font.