Copy a object in InDesign by holding down the alt-key and move obect with the mouse doesn-t work with InDesign CC18 aunder MacOS High Sierra
Copying an object in InDesign by holding down the alt-key and moving the object with the mouse doesn't work any more with InDesign CC18 under MacOS High Sierra. For me this is (has been ..) a key function in InDesign!

As confirmed by the user on email, the issue is no longer reproducible.
RY commented
I still have this issue. How was it fixed?
Maria commented
I have the same issue on the latest indesign. It just won't copy, even thought he little double cursor appears. Also, holding down the shift key at the same time, won't keep things aligned. Non of this works. Ugh.... !!!! Tried to screen record this, but the double cursor won't show up on the screen video... so it looks like I am just moving it around. So frustrating that the keyboard input isn't being read. Also the space bar isn't letting me move the condiment around. Definitely something off here.
Manguette Anouk commented
I have the same problem, what i have to do???
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem, downloaded the Indesign verison CC18 yesterday under MAc High SIerra