Auto-size text boxes with rounded corners expands randomly.
Version 2018, 13.0
Set a text box to auto size height and width (with no line breaks)
Make the corners rounded
As you can see in the attached jpgs of before and after, sometimes the box expands in width and sometimes in height, but randomly, not wrapping around the text correctly.

Can you please mail me a sample document to reproduce the issue? I am unable to reproduce the bug.
Is the issue only specific to 13.0? What is the reference point for the autosize?
monokano commented
This bug has been fixed in 2024 (19.4).
Unfortunately, this bug was not fully fixed.
The auto-size bug may be avoided by not using the reference points ‘Top-Center,’ ‘Center-Center,’ and ‘Bottom-Center’ in 2024 (19.4) and later. -
Edwin Allan commented
How is this, after 8 freaking years still a thing? Typical Adobe, adding loads of new AI features but not fixing basic bugs for that long!
Godfried Vonk commented
Still happens in InDesign 2024 (19.2)
Anon commented
Still an issue on INDD 19.0.1
Jessee Smith commented
Yes! I'm running the latest InDesign (2024) and am having the same problem, and it is driving me nuts. I need lots of text boxes with just the lower right corner rounded. I can create a new text box and get it to work properly, but I can't copy-paste and edit the text to make others - as soon as I type a letter or two, the width of the box explodes across the screen. It's time-consuming to create a new box and edit the settings every time.
Charlene Koo commented
Still an issue in InDesign 2023
Sometimes the first attempt to autosize after changing corner options works alright, any attempt after stretches the width
Philip Seaton commented
Still a thing.
1) Create a textbox
2) Write HELLO in it
3) Select textbox
4) Change background color
5) Change corner options to rounded
6) Go to "Text frame options" (ctrl+B)
7) Choose "Height & Width"
8) Then check "No line breaks" <--- this is the culprit
9) Switch to "GENERAL"
10) Change "Inset spacing"
11) As you go up/down in values the bug will stretch the box like crazy at certain valuesIf you stop at a value that makes the box bug out, click OK and exit from Text frame options. Go to the corner options and turn off any effect you might have applied - if you go to standard square mode, the bug vanishes and the text box displays as it should.
Step by step:
Ralph commented
Happens to me all the time as well. InDesign 2019, auto-size frames with rounded corners. The width of the box goes crazy.
Kate Basart commented
Hi, this issue is still a problem in InDesign 2020. (See attached file). My box is set to auto-size both horizontally and vertically, no line breaks. When I apply the object style, the box will sometimes grow to outside the borders of the page, or sometimes just add random space horizontally.
Max Luczynski commented
Version 2017.1
Set a text box to
– auto-size (horizontally & vertically + no line breaks)
– rounded corners
Upon scaling that box, the horizontal size gets blown up for some strange reason. This does only happen with rounded corners.See attached screenshots (in german) of before and with scaling in preview mode applied.