Find text and replace doesn't work with this new update!
- Find text and replace doesn't work with this new update!
- I (and many others) have requested that footnotes work in tables - is this ever going to happen?? Please..!

Can you please add a small video (on WeTransfer/Youtube/Dropbox) and post a link here so that it can be looked into?
We have tried to reproduce it but unable to do it.
Also, please try once after clearing your cache and preferences.
Ulysses de Oliveira commented
'Change' button is dimmed after finding text so that replacing the same text in a file requires running the Find/Change dialog box three or more times. This issue affects versions 2015 and 2017 as well as the latest version of ID. I'm using Win10 and have already tried the 'magical solutions' of trashing the preferences and saving the file using idml format, but nothing seems to solve the problem.
Anonymous commented
I have a similar issue happening with 14.0.1.
The 'Change' button, when attempting to find and replace text, is greyed out. 'Change all' isn't tho - but it's not what I need to do.