Text rendered bold when using transparencies
When using transparent boxes or png images, InDesign will randomly render some text bold. This occurs both on screen and when printing. The only way to avoid it is by not using transparencies, which is annoying. People have been complaining about this since 2011! Get your sh*t together adobe. Come on.

Thanks for reporting the issue. We will review it shortly.
-InDesign Team
Redback Spida commented
It's still happening in 2024 (almost 2025), and is VERY frustrating!
I compose and compile a Senior's quarterly magazine and still have not found a suitable workaround!
I have tried everything from using various fonts, ensuring the font layer is above any image layers, checking my PC’s display settings, and regularly updating my graphics card driver. Creating [font] outlines only seems to worsen the problem! I have even changed the 'Transparency Blend Space' to RBG which works fine for screen-based publications but is useless for printed versions. Surely after almost 8 years, a solution can be found!
débora Ewing commented
It's 2023 and the issue is still happening.
There was an import option called "use transparency information" which I unclicked. Still the font on the entire spread gets bolder. This is unacceptable. -
André Paoliello commented
Any news on this issue???
Paul commented
This is the most abhorrent usability bug in InDesign for Windows today, and Adobe has completely ignored and dropped the ball on this issue for years.
All text on the page featuring an object with raster transparency (or an object with fx applied) causes text rendering to become weighted. Depending on whether it's light on dark or dark on light, the weight either becomes heavier or lighter. If it's light text on dark background, the text weight increases by about 100 (text appears thicker) but if it's dark text on a light background, the weight decreases (text appears thinner). This is very noticable when working at 1:1 (100% zoom) in InDesign on Windows. The rendering artefacts are not present in exported PDFs.
Tracy commented
It's still a problem. I was able to fix this (with workarounds) in the PDF Print version, but not in the PDF Interactive version.
Xi Wang commented
still have this problem... annoy
annab commented
InDesign CC 2021 (16.4 x64), Windows 10
I still have this problem, too. Help please, Adobe! -
Anonymous commented
Indesign CC 2021 Windows 10
I have this problem. I have a table on a document and when I added a .png photo to the page (not in the table) the table text 'appeared' bold. When I remove the .png the table text looked normal. -
Anonymous commented
I have this problem too and tried all suggestions with no success. Have Adobe got a solution?
Anonymous commented
Still no fix for this problem? It is really annoying. Adobe HELP!
Anonymous commented
I have the emboldened text problem on a page with text + jpg if bevel/emboss effect is used on jpg. Not an issue with other formats, so far.
Anonymous commented
I have a document in which photos with bevel and emboss effect applied causes the text on that page to become emboldened. From this thread, I'm wondering if it is something about the transparency setting of the effect overall. Very annoying. INDD CC 2018, 14.0.3 x64 OS: Windows 10
Anonymous commented
I'm experiencing the same problem again in the CC 2019 version. Only the pages with text+jpg are exported properly. The pages with any other image type with some transparency, i.e. psd, ai, even png, have bold text after exporting to pdf.
It's an old issue, coming back every now and then in many InDesign editions in the past. So we all should know how to deal with it, shouldn't we? Well, here is the rub. The trick with the text placed on a separate layer on the top doesn't work anymore. Nothing works, actually. It's a major bug. A reason to downgrade to the last correct version. I needed to export a very important work today and I have spent most of my day trying to work this out. I have downgraded to CS6 eventually, just to be sure that it would work. And it did, but hey! This is not the solution.
Another workaround that I know of is to print your publication to pdf instead of exporting. But still. It is a huge bug and we need you, ADOBE, to deal with it real fast.
Anonymous commented
Is there a fix already? It might be just a windows problem. Some time ago I asked a Mac user if he experienced the same, but he had no issues.
Anonymous commented
1. Indesign version is CC 2018, OS: Windows 10
* Make sure anti-aliasing is turned ON.
* Type text with any font.
* Apply transparency effect or paste transparent image
* The text immedietly looks jagged and also thinner
* After the transparency is removed everything looks normal.
* To see the effect clearly, use white text on black background or zoom.
3. Expected result: Render the text with anti-aliasing
4. Actual result: Text is jagged, thinner, without anti-aliasing
5. http://postimg.cz/i/NprdR
* The first one is when transparency is presented, the second one is the CORRECT. -
Anonymous commented
I have kinda similar problem, when transparency is presented, all text starts to lack antialiasing. It disappears after I chnage the Transparency blend mode to RGB, but I have to remeber to change it back to CMYK when done.