Command + option + drag no longer copies text box
Have used this feature for 20 years and now the double arrow indicating that a box is being copied shows up, but the text box is not actually copied--the box just moves.

This is working as it should – that is, duplicating the selected object.
Please update to the latest available version of InDesign (13.1) via Creative Cloud application. Before launching InDesign, delete the Application Preferences and Caches to ensure that any corrupt preferences are not causing this issue to happen.
Please let us know if you still experience this issue.
Adobe InDesign team
Bastian Saris commented
What do you need "Command" for? just old down (alt/option) while you drag and drop a frame - or hold it and press an arrowkey. Still working as it should.
Are you running the latest Version?
You could try to reset your InDesign Preferences by holding down CTL+OPT+CMD+Shift directly after launching it.