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153 results found

  1. Stroke Management in Table

    Please put some buttons to select inner strokes / outer strokes of tables rather than right click on the miniature table graphic on strokes panel.

    It will be very useful if you put one click option for Select All strokes, Select Border, Select Inner etc. Right click on that miniature cell sometimes very difficult. And make it the default selection for atleast one document

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  2. Quick change of tables column width and row height

    Please give us the ability to set column width and row height of a table in one step.

    Today I only can change one table column after the other if I want different column width. The same is true for table rows if I want different row height as well.

    With the script (AutoColumn) from Gerald Singelmann it’s possible to change at least all column width in one step. I didn’t found a script for row height till today.

    I attached a video ( where I demo the script and perhaps this explains it a little bit better.
    You can…

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  3. Auto-fit column width in tables

    Add a feature for tables such as that in Excel (Home > Format > AutoFit Column Width). The "at least" feature for row height is great, but we need something for the width too! A command that resizes the selected column(s) to fit the longest line of text in that column of the table. Bonus: Any leftover space in the table width could be distributed between all columns automatically, or in one chosen column.

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  4. Placeholder text in a cell or in the entire table

    I would like to have the option of placing substitution text in a cell of a table or in a complete table.
    If I select a cell I fill this one or if I select the complete table I am able to fill the different cells.
    This feature would allow you to set table and / or cell styles in advance and validate parts of a document before production.

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  5. Add ability to add multiple header rows to tables

    I would like to be able to add multiple header rows (or something along those lines) to tables so that a table style would be reapplied from that row onward. This would allow alternating fills to always begin on the same color after a header. This feature would be especially handy when adding a row to an existing table as only the fills under the current section of the table you're working on would change. Additionally this table would then be one single table instead of multiple linked tables, allowing changes to any formatting such as column width to be…

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  6. Opacity of a table and cell fill color.

    The ability to adjust the opacity of a table/cell fill color. This is important for when pages have a background image, color or graphic.

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  7. bordes de las tablas redondos

    seria muy util poder redondear los bordes de una tabla con la facilidad que se redondean los bordes de un rectangulo en AI

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  8. Add a keep option in cell styles

    For cell styles, add the "Keep with next row" option so that it doesn't have to be done manually for each desired cell.

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  9. Table Columns "at least" widths

    You can give an 'at least' heights on a table cells, I would liked to see this option to be able on the width of table columns

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  10. Remove the maximum cell height in tables

    I often use tables in more technical posters as a frame for graphics with caption.
    I experienced that a cell height of about 220 mm is the maximum for tables.
    If you have larger graphics this is not enough.

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  11. Make option for "Edit->Place and Link" to update only table contents, not formatting

    In some cases I must use some tables with technical data in multiple documents in various conditions. For example, I wish to put it in catalogue layout with a table width of 287 mm, and in container label with a table width of 240 mm. Content and text format remain unchanged, but column width can vary.
    So I "Place and Link" the table, try to update my link. All my formatting is lost, and the table expands back to 287 mm. This is very annoying, especially when I need to handle hundreds of tables, which is usual situation for my…

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  12. Apply controlable gradients within table rows, coloums and cells.

    Is it possible to have easily adjustable gradient fills in rows, coloums and cells within Indesign tables?

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  13. Set row and column dimensions in table styles

    I was looking for a way to set row heights in table styles within InDesign and was surprised out there is no way to do this. The only way to do so is to manually manipulate the size in each table.

    If I want to create a new table in a new document, I was hoping to have all parameters set the way they need to be set in the table style so other users don't have to manually change the size. I would think this would be a common feature that users would love to have.

    Will this be…

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  14. need to be able to add footnotes to tables

    need to be able to add footnotes to tables

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  15. I want to be able to select multiple rows, but want to be able to select rows that are not next to each other. They maybe have one or two ro

    I want to be able to select multiple rows, but want to be able to select rows that are not next to each other. They maybe have one or two rows.

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  16. concatenate text in table cells and make it flow automatically like normal text areas

    concatenate text in table cells and make it flow automatically like normal text areas

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  17. Tabelle, Teabellenformate, Tabellenzellen

    Die Funktionen Tabelle, Tabellenformate und Tabellenzellen sollten in der Gesamtheit überarbeitet werden. Wir arbeiten viel mit Tabellen, die lang und kompliziert sind.
    Es entstehen immer wieder viele unvorhersehbare Effekte.
    Tabellenoptionen funktionieren nicht zuverlässig, z. B. Spaltenlinien in der Vordergrund.
    Linien kommen und gehen in Farben die wir nicht zugewiesen haben, wenn Zeilen oder Spalten eingefügt werden.
    Zellenformate sind für uns leider nicht nutzbar.
    Wünschenwert ist auch die Eingabe von Formeln, z. B. die Formel schreiben oder auch Berechnungen durchführen lassen.
    Die Kleinansicht der Rahmen und Linien springt bei Markierungen von anderen Tabellen um, was ziemlich lästig ist.
    Wenn man mit…

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  18. Different number of columns per row and independent width

    Option to have different number of columns per row without always using split/merge and option to set different widths per column
    (e.g. one row with 3 columns, row below with 5 columns, etc)

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  19. Graphic and text in same cell(s) or table

    I can't see how to do it presently but it would be great to be able to put both a graphic and text placed over it in the same cell, or a number of cells or the entire table. RIght now it appears to be an either/or choice. I have anchored an image to a table so that it overprints the cell or table but that is rather clunky.

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  20. "Split Column" within a table cell

    I'd like to be able to use the "Split Column" feature within a table cell. I can do a work around sometimes by creating an extra column and making the middle line invisible, but when I've got three columns above one merged cell, I can't get things centered.

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