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580 results found

  1. Background Task Panel

    Please make the Background Task panel smaller. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for it to be this big. For laptop users it is a real space hog.

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  2. Add a Search / Filter field to the Links tab

    Finda out wether a certain file is used, is manual labour in InDesign.
    What, if the Links Tab had a search/filter field (like in After Effects' timeline and project panels).

    Find by name, filter by kind.

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  3. Application retain windown size and position

    On open, have InDesign's application window return to the size and position it was in when the application was last closed. The way Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Dreamweaver, etc..., do when they are closed and then reopened.

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  4. Import pdf-comments: not possible to locate notes on the page

    If I Import PDF-Comments the included notes are in the comments, but I cannot locate them on the page. I don't know to which element the note is belonging.

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  5. Story editor maximum line width

    It would be great to have a maximum line width, perhaps a maximum number of characters per line, for the story editor (in both InDesign and InCopy).

    This is most useful when writing when the story editor is docked on a large monitor. It seems to be best for readability to work with lines of 64 to 80 characters, and at the moment the text simply flows to the entire width of the window.

    The current behaviour could be available by setting the maximum number of characters per line to 0, for example. Also, I envision that if there is…

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  6. Wait until I've pressed OK in Step and Repeat before popping up the "Out of Bounds" warning

    When using step and repeat, the first thing you enter is the Count. But the distance values are from the last transformation, so sometimes the value there and the Count you enter trigger the "out of bounds" warning when you press tab to exit the "Count" field and move on to the distances. Yes yes, I know, but I haven't had a chance to fill out the new distance yet.

    So I then have to tab over to the distances, adjust those, and shift+tab back to the count. Why must I get a popup stopping me when I haven't actually…

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  7. mobile application

    I have been looking at switching to a mobile first workflow for a while now and technology is starting to catch up, which I am super excited about! One thing that seems to be missing is a replacement for InDesign so that I don't have to rely on my Macbook for creating the kinds of documents that you can create in InDesign. It would need to be modernized and have an improved workflow that would be enhanced by the nature of mobile computing devices. I would love to see Adobe get something like this out there soon!

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  8. New styles made with Properties panel to top of styles panels

    Creating a new style with the Properties panel adds the style to the bottom of the Paragraph or Character Styles panels. Other methods put the new style at the top. Please make this consistent (I suspect most prefer new styles to be more readily available at the top).

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  9. Ability to completely disable start screens in AI, INDD, PS, Acrobat

    Ability to completely turn off these start screens in AI, INDD, PS, Acrobat. When I close a document window, I expect to be able to see my desktop, not a wall I then have to close or hide. Old school workflow, never had a start screen, never needed one, it's not helpful imho, tho it may be to others, so we should be able to choose how we want it.

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  10. Scale pages thumbnail size by width of of panel

    Sometimes I need to reference other pages in the doc I'm working on. It would be helpful if the pages panel adjusted the size of the thumbnail based on the width of the window. The Panel Options sizes don't offer enough versatility.

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  11. show import highlighted pdf comments with different color than H&J violations

    When you import PDF comments that are highlighted text, they appear in the layout with the same color/treatment as text marked by checking Preferences: Composition: Highlight: H&J violations. These should be visually differentiatable from one another.

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  12. Home Screen preference switch needed

    Preference to disable "Home Screen". Very annoying when no internet connectivity - PS and AI both have this option, why not Indesign?

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  13. visibility of the Colorsetting in menu bar

    I often work in different color settings for newspaper printing or offset printing. It seems convenient to me if I can see the current color setting as a notification in the menu bar. Also usefull for other applications as well like Illustrator and Photoshop.

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  14. Unlock UI when dialog box open

    I would like to be ale to work on more than one pararagrapg or object while a dialog box is open. For instance, I’d like to be able to open the Paragraph Styles panel while in a paragraph then be able to click in another paragraph without having to close then reopen the panel.

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  15. Clear Overrides in Proprieties Panel

    Proprieties panel is great, for text boxes however we need a little more in the text styles section, like a clear overrides button from the paragraph styles window

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  16. Desc: A pref to turn off Adobe cheesy marketing headlines on Open screen–Why?: Chesy mktng dsnt wrk on designers

    I suspect this "feature" wasn't tested. I can't believe I'm the only one distracted from work with OMG every time I open the app. Please make it stop.

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  17. Allow multiple bookmarks to be dragged at once to reorder in bookmarks panel

    In the Bookmarks panel, you can select multiple bookmarks simultaneously, but you can't then do anything with them. It would be nice to be able to move several bookmarks at once when reordering.

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  18. Library panel: Pop-up preview on focus

    Thumbnails, even large thumbnails, in the Library panel are often not enough to know which object I’m looking at. I often have a lot of similar items in one library. How about a preview that appears when the mouse hovers over a library item? It would work like tool tips.

    While I’m on the subject, how about letting us name items in the panel instead of requiring a dialogue? Most panel work this way.

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  19. Height of Link Info in the Links pallet stay as pallet height is changed

    I would like to have the Links pallet behave differently. I would like to have it, when adjusting the pallet size by clicking and dragging the bottom of the pallet, adjust the size of the Links portion of the pallet instead of the Link Info part, keeping the current height of the Link Info consistent.

    Currently, to see more images in the list, I have to drag the pallet twice. Once drags the pallet larger, but in reality only changes the size of the Link Info. Then I have to drag the bottom of the Link part down to see…

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  20. Toggle through styles and narrow by search in paragraph/character/object style windows

    The ability to go through all styles without leaving the Paragraph Style Options window. Like forward and back arrows. If you are editing multiple paragraph styles at a time (or character or object styles for that matter), currently you have to close out of the dialog box every time you want to toggle to a new style. It’d be nice to toggle or click through to the next style (alphabetically), or choose it from a drop-down menu.

    Also. when you have a long list of styles, the ability to search for them by typing. Right now, you have to scroll.…

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