Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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2. Why is this valuable to you?
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704 results found
Links panel - use arrow keys to view each linked file's attributes
Often in large documents i like to check the attributes (ex. color space, effective PPI, etc.) of each linked file in the "Links" panel before packaging everything for the print company. Would be really nice to be able to use the arrow keys to move up and down this list instead of having to click on each file individually.
7 votes -
Text wrap around anchored objects needs to work according to settings, regardless of where the anchor is placed.
Text wrap refuses to wrap properly around my anchored objects regardless of anchor placement in the paragraph or text wrap offset settings.
This causes the anchored object to overlap the text and/or have inconsistent margin offset around the object. It's erratic and inconsistent among the various objects, even though they all have the exact same object style applied.
Some of the objects wrap a little better than others - at least they're not overlapping on top of text - but the wrap margins are still inconsistent. Not a single object wraps how I believe it should based on the style…
6 votes -
Allow each section or master page spread to have a custom baseline grid
I work on many books that have different sections, with different content. While I try to make sure everything fits and follows the same baseline grid, often that's just not the best solution. I end up using custom baseline grid options on text frames, but that also doesn't solve everything.
It would be very useful to set a baseline grid that applies to a specific master page, or to a whole section.6 votes -
Uneven columns
Being able to adjust where the column gutters is placed. Or adjust the individual widths of each colum within a text box.
6 votes -
Add an "Align to Bleed" in the Align panel/options or Snap to Bleed in View.
The align pallet is invaluable to me as I design catalogs with lots of pages with bleed that switch from left to right regularly during the process, with different backgrounds too. However, when aligning to bleed, I have to manually line up the backgrounds with the bleed line, and its a minor inconvenience not to mention leaves room for human error. Would love to be able to quickly align my backgrounds to right or left outside bleeds, and also snap my backgrounds to the bleed line to make sure it is 100 percent lined up. Sometimes it looks like it…
6 votes -
SELECT + RELINK of Single Image File in MULTIPLE INSTANCES based on a DEFINED SELECTION of Multiple Links in LINK PANEL!
You can Relink an Image File in the LINKS PANEL in
(B) 1 (ONE) INSTANCEBut not MULTIPLE INSTANCES based on a DEFINED SELECTION of Multiple Links. To do so presently requires the NEEDLESS REPETITION of Re-Linking for each instance at great time and expense!
I am sure this is an IMPORTANT NEED for many users workflows.
Please add this feature ASAP!!! Urgent need for us and I am quite sure many many others!
6 votes -
I need a way to relink images across all open documents.
When I go to relink an image that is now in a different folder, and that image is inside of 7 different files, I'd like to be able to tell one file where the image is, and the other ones can also use that same image, with some kind of toggle to disable that if for some reason I didn't want all the images to use it.
6 votes -
Preference to always select pages when placing multi-page PDF
When placing a multi-page PDF there should be a preference to always show import options. When I place a multi-page Word file I don’t only get the first page, I get the whole document. I should at least have the option to do this with PDFs.
I am aware that I can access Show Import Options when placing a file through a dialogue, but that is an extra step and it is unavailable when using drag-and-drop.
Please add a preference to “Show Import Options When Placing Multi-page Graphic Files.”
6 votes -
Change 'Object Layer Options' on multiple images at the same time
It would be a massive time save if it were possible to change the Object Layers Options on multiple images at the same time.
We build four layer products images in PS with layers across all images named the same:
Product, FlatShadow, StandingShadow, Reflection
When we have 40 products on the page and the customer decides they want the products all to have a reflection, at the moment we have to switch each images Reflection layer on singly. Then in the next round the customer may decide they want no Reflection or Shadow at all. Again we have to switch…6 votes -
Copy and Paste Effects
It'd be great to be able to copy and paste effects from objects, especially between multiple documents. This would be similar to Photoshop's ability to copy layer effects.
6 votes -
Same Stroke behaviour as Illustrator please
Please make it possible to choose for Illustrator style strokes:
-Strokes should not affect the dimensions of a shape*
-Snapping should snap to the actual box, not the thickness of the Stroke- in Illustrator, a Rectangle of 4x4cm, stays 4 x 4 cm, whatever Stroke is applied. In InDesign, a 4 x 4 cm rectangle, with a 1 cm centered stroke applied, becomes 5 x 5 cm. This makes working with grids very unpleasant.
InDesigns Strokes are very unusefull for trying out styles and thicknesses. Each time the Stroke width changes, the shape size changes along.
6 votes -
Professional Level Graph Tool
All of us professional users need a real Graph/Chart design tool inside Indesign.
It's crazy that you can do this with Microsoft Word or Excel and not with In Design.. Having to go back and forth between Illustrator (whose own graph tool isn't exactly state of the art either) and InDesign is a waste of time for a functionality that should have been implemented years (decades) ago...6 votes -
Import Options for Place from CC Libraries (as there is for normal Place command)
Place from CC Libraries command doesn't have Import Options like normal Place command has – so we can't choose whether or not the Background should be Transparent or not.
FIX THIS. It's such a common function needed and it's still lacking after all these years since CC Libraries were introduced as a suggested defacto for storing, using and sharing common assets.
What takes!?
6 votes -
Snap to frame edges/layers
In Photoshop, there are very robust options for snapping to guides, grids, layers, document bounds, etc. each of which can be turned on and off individually.
In InDesign, snapping is much more limited and it is only possible to snap to guides. This means that whenever snapping is desired, guides must be created, which is an extra step that could be streamlined by expanding snapping options to be more like Photoshop.
6 votes -
InDesign's own favourite 'edit original' software
With the feature "edit original" in the context menu of images, InDesign opens the image in the OS-default software.
I Think it would be handy to choose a different default edit-software for InDesign only.
If i want to use this feature (especially with shortcuts) I have to set the default software for all images to photoshop (system-wide!). But I do not want to use Photoshop everytime as a default for every image, it's only necessary in InDesign.
It would be great if I could set a default editing software in the settings of InDesign, in wich I can set the…
6 votes -
Convert Clipping Path to Frame for multiple objects
There is a command, Object > Clipping path > Convert Clipping Path to Frame. This will read the clipping path in a placed image and convert it to a frame. The command only works when only one object is selected, If multiple images are selected and every one of them has a clipping path the command is selectable but has no effect. There is no reason for this limitation.
6 votes -
Allow users to pin their own favourites to the opening page.
Allow users to pin favourites to the opening page, so they can easily access a palette of their most used documents when they open the program.
6 votes -
Add and option to auto-convert RGB images to CMYK in Indesign, instead of doing it in Photoshop
When we package any file from Indesign, we many times need to make sure, that all images are in CMYK color profile before sending it to printer. We get warnings if images aren't in CMYK, but it would be nice to have an option to auto-convert all images to CMYK, instead of individually going in Photoshop.
6 votes -
Please bring back Mini Bridge
Mini Bridge was an awesome feature that I, as a graphic designer, miss greatly. It made laying out books that were hundreds of pages long with tons of pictures so much easier!! Please bring it back!
6 votes -
Grouped items revert to previous layers when moved then ungrouped
InDesign CC 13.1, Windows 10
When I have a group that contains items from various layers, and I move this to a new layer, when I ungroup those items they revert back to their original layers.
I understand the concept that grouping remembers layers, and I like this feature! It used to bug me that grouping brought everything onto the same layer, sometimes altering the appearance. However this seems like an unintended consequence.
Say I have an item on Layer 1 and an item above it on Layer 2. Grouping these items makes them both "appear" to be on Layer…
6 votesHi,
This looks more like a feature modification request.
I am therefore moving this to the “Feature Request” section.Please keep adding your use-cases.
- Don't see your idea?