Allow individuals to print or save PDF from Share For Review link
Currently you are unable to accurately print a document shared for review directly from InDesign in the cloud service. There should be a toggle to enable the option to do so from the individual sharing the file. Many people like to physically markup documents in addition to their digital comments.

Paul T commented
I find the whole Share for Review very clunky, even in 2024. Updating comments such as "Delete this text" puts the comment into Unmapped comments, as obviously there is no text to map to. Keith comments are very helpful.
Keith Conover, M.D., FACEP commented
As far as I can tell, the only way to archive a Share for Review is (1) to never, EVER click the "Update Link" button, and to leave that Share for Review online forever. That means that you should always create a version of your main document, perhaps with the date in the filename, and create a Share for Review from that document. Otherwise, if you edit the document and click "Update Link" you will lose many of the links between comments and the text or graphics. You can keep the dated version with the comments in one InDesign tab and the "real" version in another windows. You can use Ctrl+Tab to toggle between the two, viewing comments in the dated version, and Ctrl-Tab over to the "real" version to act on those comments. What InDesign Share for Review REALLY needs is good version control in the Share for Review module so we don't have to do it manually.
Becky commented
Agreed. My clients love the share for review feature, but the biggest complaint is they can't save or print the proof. Then I end up back to making pdf proofs.