Add Space Before on Column Top checkbox
Currently the ‘Space Before’ value is ignored when that paragraph appears on the top of any container—frame/column.
There are innumerable occasions when we need the above space settings to be honoured even when the paragraph appears on the top of the column. We InDesigners resort to various antics and workaround like keeping an ‘Invisible Rule Above’ or use a character style with extra leading etc..
It is very easily solved by a simple checkbox in the Indents and Spacing tab just below ‘Space Before’ selection which says ‘Add Space Before on column top’. If checked, the value will always be used even when the paragraph appears on the top of the page.

Alan Bell commented
I need this feature for a project I'm working on right now.
Jay Levine commented
This would be really helpful.
Filip Blazek commented
This is a feature I’ve been hoping for since InDesign 1.5 twenty years ago. Affinity Publisher supports this feature very well (see the screenshot). Please, make live of book designers easier and add this simple feature.
Anonymous commented
YES! Please! This is a terribly important feature.
Just add the checkbox ("Apply Space Before on new pages or columns")!
I use the obscure "Rule Above, Keep in Frame" technique as a work-around EVERY DAY, and I can't believe this is required. When the layout engine checks to see if a paragraph is first in a page or frame, just ALSO check to see if this option is enabled for that style, and if so, HONOR the Space Above setting.
A slight improvement would be to have a SECOND Space Above setting ("Space Above on new column") so we can have one setting for contiguous paragraphs, and a special setting for the first occurrence. But this is minor compared to the main idea -- for chapter titles to FLOW, we MUST honor the Space Above value.
Soham Patel commented
Absolutely Necessary. Need it badly.
Nancy West commented
I would use this every week in my publications.