Ability to change the page of the linked pdf
I would love to see the ability to change the page number of a linked pdf in the links palette - as it stands you have to relink file, click 'show import options' (which then remains on when you don't want it to) navigate to the pdf then click through what page you want to display. It's slow and clunky. A simple icon next to the link where you could select the desired page would speed my workflow up massively.

Toby Nelson commented
And here we are SIX years later and still... nothing.
Will Krzymowski commented
Please update indesign with this simple but very very handy feature.
Marco Mourao commented
just the fact that this has been asked for so long so many times I wonder why InDesign hasn't added this feature. Scripts works I know that, but not every computer (especially corporate or company) can install script due to permission issues. This is urgently needed!
Al Weirick commented
YES!! This feature is very much needed, please :)
Gail Finlayson commented
this would be an excellent update
kevin commented
InDesign team. Please add this feature, it should have been done ages ago. Adobe, please give the InDesign team the resources it needs to push the software forward more significantly. I echo what others have been saying...it feels like you've abandoned InDesign, and a massive chunk of your user base,
Alistair Blake commented
This would save hours
Toby Nelson commented
Just look at the advances we've been given in Photoshop and Illustrator recently. What actual improvements were made in this 2024 update? I can't see any. This part of Indesign has been beyond frustrating for YEARS. Has Adobe abandoned it?
Jonathan Caron commented
Also waiting...
Toby Nelson commented
Still waiting for this to be implemented four years later.
Vlastimil commented
For a simple script workaround, see response from "John Hawkinson, Apr 15, 2011" on https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/change-the-page-in-a-placed-pdf/td-p/3431994
Léonce Aklin commented
Especially with InDesign Cloud Documents where linked resources need to be in CC libraries, it's crucial that we can select the page, because there are no import options when dragging a file from a CC Library into the document.
Liz Meester commented
Having NOT this feature is like me asking to look for other software. Anybody created a script for this?
kevin commented
Was hoping this would be addressed in the latest 2023 release, it's a no-brainer. Seems like really helpful updates, the kind most people creating publications want, are far and few between. Quark went the same way at the end there. I've been waiting years for this. Would you please make it a priority. It's such an easy win.
David commented
I log into user voice every few months to check on the progress of this feature. Its disappointing that it still hasn't been implemented.
Aaron Sheffield commented
Why on earth has this not been implemented? Some of us work on file systems with many levels of folders, and constantly navigating between different folder structures just to change pages is a ginormous waste of time.
Toby Nelson commented
June 2022 and this STILL hasn't been implemented. Why are we paying a monthly fee for this garbage?
Daniel Cavero commented
This would deserve a THOUSANDS of likes.
Imaging if you could do it using a shortcut like cmd + shift + right or something like that.
Best improve 2022 =D
Toby Nelson commented
I mean, this entire app is based around everything being a linked file of some sorts bar the odd bit of vector graphics (which you're better off doing in Illustrator anyway) so why is relinking files with multiple pages so slow and clunky? It DESPERATELY needs rethinking. Even relinking things that are a single page doc is a pain - I can select multiple files in the links pallete with the intention of changing them all to one single file yet Indesign forces me to navigate to each file instead of there being an option to replace all. It's dreadful UI
Chris Vörös-Haynes commented
Take the existing UI for Import options and merge it into Object layer options and then rename that Object options